
Losing hair at age 20 can become an M-shaped forehead?Experts teach 4 strokes to protect hair and prevent baldness |

23 October 2022 17:00

Hair loss is also younger

Research shows that more than 80% of men experience hair loss at various stages of life, and around 20% of men experience hair loss after puberty, starting in their 20s. Although male hair loss is very common, it is not a physical problem, but hair loss affects the appearance and will still have a great psychological effect on the patient.

Causes of Hair Loss in Men

To prevent the resurgence of male pattern hair loss, we must first understand the causes of male pattern hair loss. More than 90% of male hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. First of all, most androgenetic alopecia is hereditary. The patient’s hair follicles are particularly sensitive to androgens, and they are constantly eroded by androgens, causing the hair follicles to shrink, and the hair becomes younger and shorter. Vellus hair, after the hair follicles are completely atrophied, the hair will not grow back.

This process of hair loss progresses slowly and can last for 10 to 40 years. Patients with androgenetic alopecia will generally have thinning hair on the top of the head, or the hairline will move back, commonly known as an “M” forehead. In this androgenetic alopecia, the patient’s hair follicles will appear inflamed under a 60x magnifying glass.

At the age of 20, hair loss can turn into an M-shaped forehead. Experts teach 4 hair care tips to prevent baldness.

Prevention of androgenetic alopecia

Knowing that androgenetic alopecia is hereditary, just like preventing wrinkles, early care can delay or cure androgenetic alopecia.

1. Eat a healthy diet

The androgen DHT can erode the hair follicles, causing inflammation in the hair follicles, causing the follicles to shrink, resulting in hair loss. Foods high in antioxidants, such as fresh vegetables and fruit, can reduce this inflammation. Also, hair growth requires a lot of protein, so make sure you get enough protein to absorb it. In addition, some foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory effects.

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2. scalp care products

To prevent androgenetic alopecia, you can use some anti-inflammatory hair loss products. Natural ingredients such as aloe vera, chamomile, thyme and saw palmetto are all anti-inflammatory and can be used for a long time. In addition, some ingredients that can stimulate blood circulation, such as peppermint, menthol and ginger, etc., can stimulate blood circulation and scalp microcirculation, and promote hair growth.

3. Avoid consuming DHT-stimulating supplements

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If you have hereditary hair loss, you should avoid taking supplements that increase DHT. For example, many fitness protein milk powders contain Creatine, Whey Protein Isolate, and DHEA / Dehydroepiandrosterone, which all increase testosterone (Testosterone) in order to improve muscle mass and strength. But at the same time, it will stimulate 5-alpha reductase , making more DHT, and accelerating androgenetic alopecia.

4. Treat early

If androgenetic alopecia is found to have started, it should be treated as soon as possible before the hair follicles are completely atrophied. You can choose a shampoo that contains Minoxidil to increase blood circulation to the hair follicles and heal inflammation. In addition, some hair care products containing growth factors can also be used to activate the growth of hair follicle cells.

As Dr David Kingsley, trichologist, said: “Most hair loss can be cured, even if it is only prevented. “Early treatment is more effective in curing hair loss.

At the age of 20, hair loss can become an M-shaped forehead. Experts teach 4 hair care tips to prevent baldness.

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