
Loudly asking for extra charge, Lin Xiaofeng was sad by the inch: Do you think it is so popular?

Loudly asking for extra charge, Lin Xiaofeng was sad by the inch: Do you think it is so popular?

Artist Lin Xiaofeng (Lo) formed the “Great Wan Chai Heavenly Group” last year with Chilam gay men Liang Hanwen, Chen Xiaochun and Xie Tianhua, which became popular on the mainland, and Cuqu took the opportunity to return to the stage as a singer, and took part in the competition “Sounds of Life”, popularity continues to flourish. Recently, Ah Lo was invited to film the program “Dream Chaser: The Colorful Life”, where he talked a lot about his inner world, and even revealed that he once considered quitting the entertainment industry.

Qu mentioned that his development about him was unsatisfactory at Zeng Nian, and he considered leaving. Fortunately, the encouragement of “Prize Doorman” Zeng Zhiwei gave him the motivation to continue walking, because he did not stop to achieve today’s achievements: ” He told me The sentence “Come on! I’m still hosting now, but I’ll be you after that, so don’t give up. If you have the courage to quit, put this courage into your current job” and I felt it made sense after listening to it. , I am going back to continue my work.”

「大灣仔天團」 last year Hit爆,人氣Keep到依家。

「大灣仔天團」 last year Hit爆,人氣Keep到依家。

“Da Wan Chai Tian Tuan” was a hit last year, and Yijia kept its popularity.



Lin Xiaofeng has a new movie to shoot.



Qu revealed that he thought about quitting the entertainment industry.

After he finished filming films like “Golden Branches and Jade Leaves” and “Young and Dangerous Boys in the Jianghu”, although he only appeared in supporting roles, he still made an impression on the audience. Seeing that he didn’t get much of success in the film industry, he hoped he would be paid for it. There has been an increase, so I spoke to the producer about raising the price, and when I found out about the other party, they scoffed: “Because I’ve made a few films, I thought it should be possible to increase” r price! Then I asked some producers, “Can you increase it?”, they said, “Do you think you’re popular? You’re still the same person you used to be yes, so you don’t need to talk to me about the extra cost, let’s go.'” While Hurt made a snappy comment, at the same time, it was clear that he understood his own interests in the entertainment industry. .

There is a sister Lin Shanshan who is a famous manager and a brother Lin Haifeng who is a famous radio host, but Ah Lo has never thought to ask them for help: “Because I insist on not depending on other people, my mother taught me to be my own brother. Sisters don’t go (too embarrassing for others), after all, your life is your life, you can’t rely on others to help you, can you’ n feel a sense of achievement when you rely on others to help you?”

仲有試過新闻加film酬, 點知反而被寸。

仲有試過新闻加film酬, 點知反而被寸。

Zhong You tried to ask for extra pay, but was stunned when it clicked.



But he decided to rely on himself.

依家一日光晒,Job 人人氣。

依家一日光晒,Job 人人氣。

One day at home, there are Jobs that are popular.