
Maggie Q explodes the “Wall of Shame” in the Japanese modeling world. Angrily criticized: It’s really sick! | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Xiao Caiwei / Comprehensive Report

The mixed-race actress Maggie Q is promoting the movie “Assassin’s Secret Order”. In an interview with the media, she blew up her horrible experience as a model in Japan at the age of 17.

▲Maggie Q action show shows power and beauty. (Photo/Garage provided)

Maggie Q recalled that in a Japanese company that year, a whiteboard with the model’s name was hung. The staff would help them weigh their weight every Friday and record the weight of each week on the whiteboard. Maggie Q said: “That is basically a wall of shame. When you gain weight, everyone will know that the purpose of the whiteboard is to make you feel ashamed and to force you to avoid eating and suffer from eating disorders. All of this is really very serious. Morbid!”

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▲Maggie Q blew himself up in the past with a “wall of shame” in Japanese companies. (Photo/Garage provided)

Talking about the possibility of performing a sequel to “Assassin’s Secret Order”, Maggie Q said: “I have never said anything similar in the past, but I am happy to launch more sequels of “Assassin’s Secret Order.” Except because of Michael Keaton and Samuel Jack. Outside of the lineup of a cast like Mori, I really want to work with director Martin Campbell again. If the audience’s response is enthusiastic enough, we will have the opportunity to shoot a sequel.”

▲ “Assassin’s Secret Order” starring Maggie Q and Samuel Jackson. (Photo/Garage provided)

The director of “Assassin’s Secret Order”, Martin Campbell, has revived the “007” series of films twice in the past with “Golden Eye” and “007 One Piece: The Royal Nightclub.” The current “007” Daniel Craig is about to appear in the 25th Pound film “007” After the release of “The Battle Between Life and Death”, the cast and director candidates for the next Pound film will naturally become a hot topic among movie fans. Martin Campbell also recently let go: “If I receive an invitation, of course I will be happy to be the director of 007’s latest movie!” “Assassin’s Secret Order” starring Maggie Q, Samuel Jackson and Michael Keaton, September 10 Screened all over the station.