
“Manatees of the universe” where high-energy particles pop out Observed by Western X-ray telescopes | sorae Portal site to the universe

[▲ Supernova remnant “W50” observed by X-rays, radio waves, and visible light, also known as “Manatee Nebula” (Credit: S. Safi-Harb et al (2022))]

This is about 18,000 light-years away in the direction of “Aquila”Supernova remnant “W50”is.The W50 is reminiscent of manatees.“Manatee Nebula”Also known as. The colors are yellow, magenta, and cyan for X-rays (yellow for low energy, magenta for intermediate energy, and cyan for high-energy X-rays), red for radio waves, and green for visible light.

Supernova remnants are caused by heavy stars, etc.Objects observed after a supernova explosionThat.By spreading the shock wave generated by the supernova explosion to the surroundingsGas heats upAnd such as visible light and X-raysElectromagnetic waves are radiatedIs believed to be. According to the European Space Agency (ESA), which released the image, the currently observed Manatee nebula isAbout 30,000 years since it was formedIs said to have passed.It is difficult to understand from the image at the beginning, but the apparent length of the Manatee Nebula seen from the earth isFor 4 full moonsCorresponds to.

If you look around the “belly” of the Manatee Nebula, you can see that one celestial body is in the center.It has an accretion disk with a jet“Micro Quasar”A type of celestial body calledthe microquasar in the Manatees nebula「SS 433」

Is called.

*… Activity of distant galaxies Because it resembles the galaxy core “quasar”, it is called “micro quasar” as its smaller version.The identity of SS 433 isBlack hole binaryIt is thought to be a (binary star including a black hole) and penetrates the gas that spreads like a shell.A jet of particles erupts from the accretion disk in both directions

By doing so, it is thought to form the structure of the Manatee nebula protruding on both sides. The speed of the SS 433 jet seems to reach about a quarter of the speed of light.

Related: Reproduction animation of the strange star system “SS 433” hidden in the Manatees NebulaAccording to ESA, Mexico’s High Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma Ray Observatory (HAWC) will be launched in 2018.Very high energy particles

By observing (hundreds of TeV), the Manatee Nebula is said to have attracted the attention of researchers.It was not known where the high-energy particles originated in the Manatee Nebula, but at the University of Manitoba.Samar Safi-HarbThe research team, led by, believes that evidence was obtained in the area to the east of the Manatee Nebula (on the left in the image). The bright areas of cyan and magenta on the left side of SS 433 are said to start about 100 light-years away from SS 433 and extend for about 300 light-years. Safi-Harb and his colleagues flowed eastward, probably due to shock waves and magnetic fields inside the gas cloud.Jet particles re-accelerate

I’m guessing it’s been done.



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  • Image Credit: S. Safi-Harb et al (2022)

ESA – Cosmic manatee accelerates particles from head

Text/Matsumura Takehiro