
Meowie author “SNS impersonation account friend request to acquaintance”

picture explanationthe author of Meow. picture| Meowie author’s SNS

The author of the web man kitty ‘Goddess Advent’ suffered damage to her SNS impersonation account.

On the 25th, the author of Meowie caught and posted the impersonator account on his Instagram Story with the caption, “I believe this impersonator account is asking for friends from my acquaintances.”

The name of the SNS account is ‘Meow’, and the profile picture is also set as a selfie of the author of Meow. There are also many pictures of the author of Meow.

It appears that the author of Meow has personally exposed the impersonation account to prevent impersonation victims.

The author of the cat made her debut in 2018 with the Naver web ‘Goddess Advent’ and became a hot topic not only for her work but also for her beauty which is similar to the female lead in her web. After completion last September, episodes of abduction have been published serially.

Writer Jeon Seon-wook of the web picture ‘Free Draw’ and writer Kitty, who has been in an open relationship since 2019, admitted that she was a single mother last year and received a lot of support.

[김민주 스타투데이 인턴기자]

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