
Move forward, open 4 goals, accelerate restructuring Get the next mission Build the People’s Party

Move forward, open 4 goals, accelerate restructuring Get the next mission Build the People’s Party

on 2 June Progressive Party Got an article through the party’s Facebook page Revealing the next mission of the ‘Progressive Party’ is creating a party that belongs to the masses. with the following content: Our aim in building a party is to change the country. to create a country where the supreme power belongs to the people Build a country where the economy grows progressive and fair Build a country where people have freedom, equality, and a good quality of life.

In order to reach the goal, we have to do 4 aspects: 1. Campaign to draw attention to ideas. because we believe we can change People’s opinions must change first. 2. Invite people who agree with us to drive change. because we believe change will happen. When a large number of people come together to push “Don’t wait for change. But be a part of it.”

3. Send representatives to apply for national and local elections, adhering to the concept that “every election is an opportunity for change” because going into every election, the people will listen. This is an opportunity for us to change our thinking through policy campaigns. MP election results Recently, it has been noted that people’s opinions have changed a lot.

4. Building a strong party This makes the party a political organization owned by its members. or as we call “Party’r llu”, which must have 2 main elements: a party with ideas and ideologies to create change The party must be a crucible for all members to have the same ideas and ideology.

party power structure It must be tied to members So, we designed the party structure through 3 important networks: the labor network; ethnic network area network (or provincial committees), the structure of these networks is attached to its members the origin of the different positions in these structures It all comes from the election of all the members.

We realize that change is difficult and takes time, perhaps 10 years, 20 years or more. The party that can make a difference It must be an ideological party and should not depend on any single person.

The announcement of the Registrar of Political Parties Regarding the establishment of political party branches and the appointment of representatives of provincial political parties in February will affect the shape of the provincial committee we have drawn up. In addition, the situation after the election has changed a lot. Therefore, this is a good opportunity for the working groups of each state to exchange experiences. A summary of the lessons of the past work together Including the redesign of the provincial committee structure to be in line with the changing laws. to further strengthen the party So the party held 5 internal seminars in 5 regions during the month of June. until the beginning of July

The party members structure is a functional structure that is separate from the assembly of MPs, and the main task is to work with the members. Giving members the opportunity to take part in creating change. scrutinize and decide on candidates to be elected on behalf of all levels of the party

Of course, working in the party structure as a real mass party. which brings together many people from various backgrounds to work together The work system may not be perfect yet. There is still much room for development and co-construction.

If you want this party to improve, don’t wait Let’s work together Our party structure is open to one person who wants to come and make the party better. Through inter-party elections at different levels for the Progressive Party to grow into a political organization of the people independent of any one person

Many people often ask the question: Why should you apply for membership in the Progressive Party?

It expresses support for the party as well as a far reaching approach to party building. The increasing number of members is an encouragement to the builders of the parties.

2. The amount of the membership fee 100 / 200 / 2,000 baht for many people It contributes to strengthening the financial strength and independence of the party in making major decisions based on the interests of the majority of the people.

3. Being a party member You can elect representatives to take part in the administrative work and make decisions within the various party structures.

4. In the future, the party will open more channels for members to participate.