
Mr says Kazlaser, “My boyfriend doesn’t give birth control,” and a word for a woman worried about her dating partner ⇨ Problem solved in seconds[Fideo]| HuffPost NEWS

[Rwyf hefyd eisiau darllen]”What should I do with people who talk ill of me behind my back?”

Kazulaser of the comedy duo “Maple Chogokin” has been receiving a lot of responses to the video he released on his YouTube on January 14th.

He responded to viewers’ concerns with a video titled “Worry becomes irrelevant when you focus on something[Dychweliad Sylw Kazulaser]”.

“My girlfriend won’t put rubber on me.” His honest response to a woman who had concerns about contraception has become a topic of discussion, saying he can “sympathize.”

“A lot of things are said and I end up being piled on…”

Kazlaser’s video this time is about 6 and a half minutes. Meanwhile, he answers questions from viewers. It was in the middle of the video that the woman’s concerns about contraception came to the fore.

The woman expressed her concerns as follows.

My girlfriend won’t put rubber on me. “I’ve never had a baby before, so it’s okay,” or “I’m afraid of the low cross, and this is why women are not rational, so I don’t like it.” What should I do when…

The moment I saw your problem, Mr. Kazulaser said, “Wow … that’s the worst!” “Well, what should I do? I think it’s better to break up!”And a straight cut. “Why are you dating someone like that? I think you should definitely break up with him,” he advised.

Moreover, he continued:“If you are really being violent, of course you should sue immediately. If not, break up immediately.”

In the YouTube comments section, comments like “I can sympathize” and “Just like Kazureza says” were sent.

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Kazureza has also been a commentator for television programs for a long time. His comments have also received a lot of attention.

In 2019, when news of harassment was featured on a program, when the line between jokes in everyday conversation, power harassment, and sexual harassment came up as a topic, Kazureza said, “You don’t need to tell (women that you you are beautiful or ugly). That’s why,” he said smackingly.

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