
“My stomach hurts”… What Causes Lower Abdominal Pain in Women? [건강톡톡]

The female belly is a very complex part of the body. The lower abdomen contains a number of organs and tissues such as the appendix, large intestine, kidney and bladder, and in women, it also contains the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. Therefore, when a woman has abdominal pain, various diseases can be suspected. Together with Haidak experts, we looked into diseases that cause pain in the lower abdomen in women.

Lower abdominal pain|Source: Clip Art Korea

Q. What is the cause of pain in the lower abdomen in women?
In the case of pain in the lower abdomen, it may appear temporarily when repeating the normal cycle of ovulation and menstruation, or the pain may be caused by problems in the pelvis or intestines. Inflammation or a lump in the uterus or ovaries can also be a cause. Because of this, it is difficult to identify the disease correctly without an examination.
– Counseling Haidaak Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor Song Seong-wook (Roan Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

It is necessary to judge by looking at whether body movement and posture are affected, and whether there are associated symptoms such as diarrhea or nausea/vomiting.

If the pain is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting when you press deeply on the painful area, you may suspect an internal medical or gynecological disease. If there is no pain due to movement or cramping of the abdomen, and there is pain when you are still or are gently rubbed, you can consider herpes zoster neuralgia.
– Director Yang Kyung-seung, consulting physician, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Haidak (Sungmo Y Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Clinic)

Q. If the lower right part of the abdomen hurts, is it appendicitis?

Among the diseases that can be suspected when there is pain in the lower abdomen are appendicitis, dysmenorrhea, uterine myoma, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Quite a few people think of inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis) when experiencing severe pain in the lower right part of the abdomen. Diverticulitis or cholelithiasis also cause pain in the lower abdomen, so it is important to correctly identify the cause of the pain in the hospital.
– Haidak Surgery Consulting Doctor Taehyung Kim (Danaun Nursing Hospital)

Q. If you have abdominal pain after intercourse, is it possible that you are pregnant?

Early pregnancy symptoms include headache, dizziness, nausea, chest pain, back pain, lower abdominal pain, increased chills, and slight bleeding. Although there are individual differences, these symptoms usually appear 2 to 3 weeks after intercourse.

However, these symptoms can appear enough even if you are not pregnant, so you cannot judge pregnancy by symptoms alone. If you have not used a contraceptive method and are very concerned about pregnancy, it is recommended to check the exact pregnancy status with a urine test two weeks after the last intercourse.
– Director Lee Jae-seong, counseling doctor at Haidak Obstetrics and Gynecology (Egis Law and Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

Q. When is a brown cold accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen?
Cold brown blood and brown blood can appear when the body is stressed by physical or environmental factors, or when it comes out due to wounds or inflammation in the vagina or uterus, or by hormonal changes. If you are suffering from a disease, it is best to focus on treatment and take a break from relationships for a while.
– Haidaak Obstetrics and Gynecology Counseling Doctor Lee Hyeong-geun (Liz Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

C. There are some cases where the lower abdomen hurts after taking the emergency contraceptive pill…
When taking emergency contraception, the most common symptom as a side effect is bleeding, and menstrual cycle changes, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, and breast pain may occur. However, symptoms caused by taking the emergency contraceptive pill usually disappear within a few days.
– Director Lee Jae-seong, counseling doctor at Haidak Obstetrics and Gynecology (Egis Law and Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

* This article has been reproduced from a Haidak expert answer.

Support = Haidak Consulting Doctor Song Seong-wook (Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist), Haidak Consulting Doctor Yang Gyeong-seung (Sungmo Y Anesthesiology Clinic Specialist in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine), Haidak Consulting Doctor Kim Tae-hyeong (Surgical Specialist at Danaun Nursing Hospital ), Haidak Counseling Doctor Lee Jae-seong (obstetrician and gynaecologist, Egis Law Clinic and Obstetrics and Gynecology), Haidak Counseling Doctor Lee Hyung-geun (Leeds Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic specialist)