
NACC Director, Trang Pointing out the smuggling of river sand, urging government officials to act honestly or not, the governor ordered the district office to check

NACC Director, Trang Pointing out smuggling sand dug through the river, hijacking government officials to act honestly or not The governor ordered the sheriff to check.

On April 26, Mr. Ram Wasuthanapinyo, director of the NACC Trang, said that the problem of sand smuggling can be seen in two parts. must strictly comply with the law This is the duty of the relevant agencies. Now the governor has ordered the sheriff to check. Many agencies have begun to take action against those who commit crimes. This is a legal procedure.

In this regard, relevant agencies must operate strictly. which in the context of NACC observes that Actions against government officials Or are those involved in direct action? Acting on the offenders or not? The other part is the legal action against people who perform illegal sand dubbing and the other part is the long-term solution. because as far as looking at the problem of sand vacuuming in Trang Province It is considered a big problem and has been a chronic problem for a long time. There must be a formal discussion with the relevant authorities. to set clear guidelines for sand management in the area of ​​Trang

As for the sand, it can’t be forbidden to vacuum. because it is one of the processes of the economy of various construction but what to do Sand vacuuming that is a national resource, the state must benefit, for example, as income to be taxed into the state system. The person who performs the sand vacuum must do the right thing. Will have to pay various fees to the state, which here has to be discussed in the long term to solve problems, for example, on the issue of setting zoning or whether in any area there should be a sand vacuum. or any area that is not suitable for sucking sand There must be discussions, whether it is the port, land, industry, forestry, in order to formulate guidelines for routine sand suction in order to prevent smuggling in the area of ​​Trang province again.

As regards the application of Section 157 to government officials Now will give government agencies a chance to work first. We don’t look at him as refraining. Or help lobbying about the lawsuit? Must give opportunity to government officials first but at the same time He sees that whether the media or the public sector or the NACC is keeping an eye on the matter of working here.

In the part that said please relax before then Here, it is what the relevant agencies have to answer clearly whether or not. Because in principle, sand suction must be allowed before sand can be sucked up. This is a matter that the agency directly has to answer to the operator whether it can be done or not.
