
National Astronomical Research Institute Let’s get to know “Comet” a little more.

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The weather is cool be kind Many of you began to travel to various places. If anyone is in an area where the sky is clear cloud free May be able to observe Comet Leonard or C/2021 A1 (Leonard) from now until 10 December 2564 in the morning east before the sun rise and again since 14 December 2564 until early january 2565 in the early evening west behind the sunset

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>> How do we see Comet Leonard??

We can observe comets C/2021 A1 (Leonard) from now until 10 December 2564 In the morning in the east before the sun rise and again since 14 December 2564 until early january 2565 In the early evening in the west after the sun goes down

From now to approximately 10 December 2564 Comet Leonard appears in the position of the Herdsman constellation.(Boötes) slightly above the eastern horizon at dawn before the rising sun We can observe the Herdsman constellation by dragging through the arc ofladle handlethat is the tail of the constellation Ursa Minor (Ursa Major) The arc will converge on a bright star known as the Crystal Star. or Arcturus

This comet is quite difficult to observe with the naked eye. Therefore, a telescope or binoculars should be used to help observe. by observing the dust orstarone that is not as sharp as the other stars and importantly is should be observed in a dark area no light It is recommended to look through a telescope. or binoculars will see more clearly

>> what is comet?

comet It is an object in the solar system. together with ice carbon dioxide methane ammonia which is an easily sublimated compound including dust and rocks mixed together has a source outside the solar system And it takes years to orbit the sun. when orbiting into the inner solar system It appears as a bright object with its tail across the night sky.

comet looks similar todirty snowballThis is because comets are composed of water ice.ammonia carbon dioxide (dry ice) rock Earth dust organic compound and so on But many comets are composed of more rock and dust. Therefore, it may be similar tofrozen stone

Comets are different from asteroids. where comets are composed oficethat is volatile as a gas As a result, comets emit gas as they approach the Sun. therefore appearing to glow in the form of dust gas that is dragged in the form oftailthat makes us see

due towaterIt is one of the key components of comets. This leads us to speculate that the water in the rivers and oceans on our planet may have come from comets that landed on Earth after it cooled enough to have liquid water billions of years ago. However We found that the hydrogen in comets has a very different ratio of deuterium than water on Earth. Comets are therefore not the primary source of water on Earth. However That portion of every glass we drink It was once from a comet anyway.

The main constituents of comets namely

1. nucleus is center of comet is a solid with a diameter ranging from 0.5 m. to several tens of kilometers

2.coma (Coma) is The dust and gas layers envelop the nucleus. together with Dust and gases are emitted when exposed to solar radiation. will appear a green glow, which is an atomic glow phenomenon. or cyanogen gas molecules (CN) and carbon gas (C2) called the phenomenon Fluorescence

3. tail (Tail) is Gas and dust particles released from the nucleus. divided into 2 type

dust tail (Dust Tail) Formed by dust and electrically neutral particles sublimated from the nucleus. When the sun erupts, it is pushed out in the opposite direction of the sun. These dusts reflect the sun’s rays, appearing in a bright arc in the direction of the comet’s orbit.

Gas tail or ion tail (Ion Tail) It is a fluorescent gas composed of charged particles. glow because it receives energy from the sun’s radiation When the magnetic field generated by the solar eruption is pushed backwards in a direction pointing away from the sun. However Irregular solar wind flows make the tails separate

>> How do we see comets look like??

If observed with the naked eye The first thing we will find about comets is that Comets will look likeFaint mistscattered arounddifferent from the stars planet airplane or other lights that looks like a point For anyone in the clear sky areaand without disturbing light might seetailof a comet is a way in addition If anyone has a telescopeOr set the camera to open the camera for a long time other a bit Both tails of the comet may be observed.

>> comet color

The part of the ice comet we call thatnucleusAlthough we are unable to observe the nucleus of the comet. But we can observe the part of the gas released. The gas that has just been released by sunlight makes up theheadThe comet we callcoma” (Coma) Although the comet’s nucleus may be only a few kilometers in diameter, But the comet’s coma can be larger than our planet. to the same size with the size of the sun depending on the amount of gas released

Although the human eye may not be sensitive to colors during the night. And the general observer may not be able to notice the comet’s color. But an observer who shines through a telescope in a slightly darkened area or take pictures with a longer exposure time It is found that comet coma are often green in color. This is due to a phenomenon similar to fluorescent lamps. When the molecules in the comet’s coma absorb UV light from the sun and glow in different colors The molecules that fluoresce in the visible spectrum in the largest quantities are cyanogen molecules. (CN) and double carbon atoms (Diatomic Carbon – C2) that emits green

Another molecule is very sensitive to sunlight. is a carbon monoxide molecule. (CO) which when exposed to UV light from the sun will be ionized (CO+) and is subjected to a magnetic field induced by charged particles from the solar wind.pushed to point in the opposite direction to the sun make up what we callion tail” (Ion Tail) This is because the ion tails are formed by a single carbon monoxide ion. So we see the ion tails are blue. that is a thin straight line and pointing in a straight line away from the sun

Non-ionized part of dust and gas will be dispelled by the pressure caused by sunlight (radiation pressure) bump into dust and then slowly drag the dust out into a curve. according to the comet’s orbit Appears to be what we calldust tail” (Dust Tail) Appears to be a yellow tone.

all this iscolorthat we can observe from comets How much can be seen? must wait because before Comet Leonard will meet again have to wait 80,000 year only

picture : comet neoweiss C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) save on 23 July 2563

information : Dr. Resolution set a resolutionastronomy scholar National Astronomical Research Institute