
Natura consultant for 30 years, teacher earns BRL 3 thousand as a monthly supplement

Used by many Bahian women as a supplementary source of monthly income, the Natura consultancy can provide an average revenue of R$ 3,000/month, depending on the involvement and level of the consultant.

A teacher in the public school system in Feira de Santana, 100 kilometers from Salvador, Jailma Santos started working as a consultant 30 years ago, when she needed extra income to help pay for the pre-university course. After joining the Feira de Santana State University (Uefs), where she studied Vernacular Literature, she continued with the consultancy to cover student expenses, such as lunch and transportation.

Currently with a consolidated career as a teacher, Jailma continues to work as a consultant, one of the collaborators of the extensive Northeast group, which accumulates 35% of all Brazilian Natura consultancy.

“The impact is very big, because I depend on that income too. I sell it because I need it to complement it. We got good results. There will be a very large variation in your involvement that month, in your goal, in what you will establish. But, with the sale of digital, we manage to reach very interesting numbers, from R$ 3 thousand and upwards”, explained Jailma.

“Moreover, this depends on the consultant’s level, and I’m saying this because I’m a diamond consultant, so I’m at the last level, where profitability is higher, because whoever starts today as a seed has lower profitability. “

The Natura consultant trainer Janaína Rodrigues, who has been in the business for three years and is at the gold level in the growth plan, manages to earn up to two minimum wages per month. Before starting to give classes on consulting management, she used the service only as a supplementary income, guaranteeing R$500 to R$600 in a month.

“It wasn’t my main income, it was a supplementary income. I managed to make a profit by managing my business correctly, an average of R$500 to R$600, it wasn’t something that had an impact on my main income, but since since I became a coach, we manage to have an average of R$ 2,000 to R$ 2,400, a higher income than when I worked at CLT”, she explained.

There are five levels of growth for the Natura consultant: Seed, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond.
They are defined according to the consultant’s dedication to her sales volume: the more sales she makes, the higher the score she will get, which will lead to progress in the growth plan.

According to Natura’s Business vice-president, Agenor Leão, the employees’ billing suffers a variation related to the consultant’s levels and involvement. “It’s complicated to talk about billing because we look a lot at levels. There is a very large variation between levels, from a seed consultant, who is starting, to a diamond consultant who can have a very high billing”, pointed out Agenor Leão.

This Friday (26th), Natura promoted an event at Casa Teresa, in the Rio Vermelho neighborhood, in Salvador, with the company’s Vice President of Business, Jailma, Janaína and the Northeast press, to present the latest results of the social impact indicator of Natura beauty consultants.