
Newsletter”Bybit CEO announced layoffs from all departments, rate may reach 30% |

(Review:Bybit announces USD 100 million support fund, institutional clients can receive up to 10 million Mg )
(background attachment:But BitDAO suffered? BIT suddenly fell 25%, Bybit: Someone broke the promise and threw away 100 million US dollars!)

noonAccording to the latest news, the digital currency exchange Bybit published an internal letter stating that it will further simplify personnel, and the layoff ratio will be around 30%, which will affect the entire company. His co-founder, Ben Zhou, tweeted that the company made a difficult decision today It is necessary to reduce workforce and readjust business direction in the adversity of the intense bear market:

The layoff plan will be decided by the Board of Directors, we are all very saddened by the fact that the workforce adjustment will hit Bybit partners and many old friends, I am very grateful for their many years of contribution to Byibt , we will never forget them.

Ben Zhou mentioned that it is extremely important to ensure that Bybit has the right organizational structure and resources to deal with the market slowdown, and to maintain the flexibility of the business in order to seize many opportunities in the future.

Bybit reported layoffs of 20-30% in June this year The central exchange was established in 2018, and the number of employees worldwide was said to have reached 2,500 last year.

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