
Nintendo to launch Xenoblade Chronicle 3 Direct on June 22nd

In early June, during the summer game release season, many game distributors and developers have continued to showcase games and announce games.

Nintendo, a world-class game company, also had many suspicions about whether it would soon launch its own game announcement streaming, so-called ‘Nintendo Direct’, but it has been consistent with a long silence.

However, last night, it was predicted that information about the upcoming flagship game would be released.

This is because it has announced that it will proceed with Xenoblade Chronicle 3 Direct, the latest in the Xenoblade Chronicle series, Nintendo’s representative exclusive JRPG game.

It was announced that this Xenoblade Chronicle 3 Direct will be held on June 22 at 11 pm local time, and it will contain 20 minutes of game information.

Xenoblade Chronicle 3 is a full-fledged sequel that takes place after the previous episodes 1 and 2, and deals with the story unfolding in a place called Aionios, where two countries, named Keves and Agnus, are at war.

In this work, two men and women named Noah and Mio are the main characters, and several trailers and game system introduction pages have already been released, emphasizing the differences from previous works such as the appearance of up to six or more people fighting together. .

On the other hand, in a situation where various game system information has already been continuously released, it seems that we have no choice but to wait for the announcement of what kind of new information will be delivered in this direct.