
Norman’s Sky, Nintendo Switch version will be released on October 7 | NME Japan Gaming

Photo: Hello Games

British Hello Games has announced that it will release the Nintendo Switch version of “Norman’s Sky” on October 7th.

On June 23, the company announced the release date of the Nintendo Switch version, and announced that the digital version will be sold at the Nintendo eShop and the package version will also be sold globally. Also, on October 7th, a package version for PlayStation 5 will be released at the same time.

Since the launch of the full version of Norman’s Sky in 2016, 20 major updates have been distributed, and the Nintendo Switch version will include the content of all updates.

“I’m sure everyone will be surprised that this game is finally available on such a small device,” said Sean Murray, founder of Hello Games.

“The whole universe (as depicted in the work) is right in the palm of your hand. (Porting to Switch) was a tough project for us as a small team, but it was a very fulfilling project. I’m really proud of this achievement. “

According to a press release, “Norman’s Sky” has accumulated over 500 million hours of play on all platforms and has millions of players.

“‘Norman’s Sky’ will continue to develop new content and features as a live service game and add it to all platforms, including Nintendo Switch.”

“Norman’s Sky” was initially for PC and PlayStation 4 when it launched in 2016. After that, the Xbox One version was released in 2018, and the PlayStation 5 version and the Xbox series X / S version were released in 2020 for current models.

Last month, Hello Games added “Leviathan,” the seventh expedition in co-exploration mode, to the film. In “Leviathan”, the player is trapped in a time loop and adventures to break the curse. You can enjoy roguelike-style gameplay, and the difficulty level is equivalent to survival mode.

Other news is that “Jane Foster” from “Thor” will appear as a playable character in “Avengers” on July 28, local time.



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