
Not as crazy as before! Netizens highlight the main reasons for the low discussion of the Qatar World Cup | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Life Center / General Report

▲ PTT villagers think the Qatar World Cup is not as popular as before. (Photo/courtesy of the official website of the World Football Association)

Recently, a male netizen posted a message on the PTT WorldCup board, pointing out that compared to four years ago, the discussion of this year’s World Cup has decreased significantly, and there are no friends of his scope that pays attention in the past, as long as there is a game, the whole family would definitely watch the TV, making him feel confused, and he said: “Is it because there are fewer people in it watching?” The article raised heated discussions among netizens, and some people pointed out the reason: “Everything is full of elections.”

A male netizen said: “Am I the only one who thinks this year’s World Cup isn’t as crazy as before?” In the past, after the World Cup started, the whole family would definitely stay in front of the TV, watch the live broadcast together overnight, and even analyze the war situation of different countries, but this year By feeling that the popularity is not as high as in the past, and that there is no one around to watch, a male netizen asked strangely: “Brazil has two Ronaldos, remember the German goalkeeper Kahn, everyone calls him Kachen, he should be better than the Saudi goalkeeper! So are many people watching World Soccer around you?”

The exposure of the article sparked heated discussions. Many netizens believed that Taiwan’s nine-in-one general election was approaching recently, causing the news to continue to promote the election. “You’ll know when this week’s general election is over”, “This is the year publicity has been fully occupied by the election”, “How can football win the election in Taiwan”, “It’s It’s normal to be stuck in the election and still in the group stage”, etc.

Some netizens pointed out that the World Football Tournament is still in the group competition, and the later competitions will become more and more exciting. The content mentioned “wait to see in the group stage”, “there are many different strengths in the group stage”, “it will be different after the top 8.” , “It’s usually lively only after the top 16”, “the fans wait until the top 8 to appear in one day”, “the traditional strong teams will have more people when they play ” and other reasons.

Many netizens think that this year’s World Cup is just as crazy, and emphasized: “No, my side is still as crazy, or even more crazy”, “Other countries are still be crazy”, “There are still people for me who play. soccer for a limited time. Ah”, “My limited IG action is full of world content” and other opinions.