
Nuriho again in May next year… In 9 years, we will send a ‘lunar probe’


The current plan is to re-launch the Nuri in May next year after correcting the problem. In addition to this, schedules for the independence of the universe are waiting one after another.

Then, reporter Kim Na-han reports.


The satellite that was posted on the Nuri on the 21st yesterday (21st) is a model that matches only the size and weight of the satellite.

This is because the main purpose of the first launch is to verify the performance of the projectile.

In May of next year, the Nuri-2, carrying a satellite for actual performance verification, will be launched.

We will be able to lift it into space by our own power.

If the performance of the launched satellite is verified, there are many things that can be done in space, such as building a South Korean-led GPS system.

The Artemis Project, which is being promoted jointly by 10 countries, including the United States and Korea, is also underway.

Project Artemis aims to land humans on the moon again for the first time since the 1970 Apollo program.

A woman will land for the first time in the world.

[임혜숙/과학기술정보통신부 장관 (지난 6월) : 세계 7번째 규모의 우주발사체 독자 인증 등 발전을 이어나가는 우리의 우주개발 역량을 민간 산업체와 잘 조화시킨다면 뉴스페이스 시대에 성공적으로 대응할 수 있을 것입니다.]

We put the lunar orbiter KPLO, made with our own technology, into this project.

It will be sent to the moon in August next year, and will carry a shadow cam made by NASA.

Find out where there is water, the basic condition for humans to live.

Therefore, we mainly look at areas where the light of the moon does not shine.

The lunar orbiter is our technology, but the rocket that carries the orbiter is the Falcon-9 made by US SpaceX.

The goal is to enter the orbit of the moon by the end of next year.

Separately, the project to send an unmanned lunar probe is also being pursued independently.

The target is 9 years from now, 2030.

(Screen source: YouTube ‘Korea Aerospace Research Institute’, ‘NASA’)