
NVIDIA Omnibus ACE Supports Easy and Fast Interactive Avatar Distribution

Nvidia (, CEO Jensen Huang) unveiled the Violet cloud avatar at GTC. Violet showcases the evolution of avatar development with the NVIDIA Omniverse Avatar Cloud Engine (NVIDIA ACE), a cloud-native AI microservice suite that builds and deploys intelligent virtual assistants and digital humans at scale.

In order to animate an interactive avatar like Violet, it is important that a 3D character can see, hear, understand and interact with humans. But bringing an avatar to life is a very difficult task. This is because conventional techniques usually require expensive equipment, special expertise, and time-consuming workflows.

Violet’s demo video shows how easy it is to develop avatars thanks to Omniverse ACE, which provides all the AI ​​building blocks needed to create, customize and use interactive avatars. These AI assistants are easily adaptable for any industry, from taking restaurant orders to answering questions about space, and can benefit organizations looking to improve existing workflows and explore new business opportunities.

In the video, you can see Violet interacting with users, answering recorded voice messages, and providing intelligent recommendations.

– How the ACE Omnibus gives life to Violet

Violet, shown in the demo video, is a fully rigged avatar that moves with basic animations. NVIDIA’s creative team used the Unified Computing Framework (UCF) to create Violet. UCF, a fully accelerated framework, combines developer-optimized and accelerated microservices with real-time AI applications, and also helped build a graph of microservices for Violet deployed in the cloud.

ACE Omnibus supports a backend of interactive avatars, which basically serve as Violet’s brain. In addition, two reference applications are included in ACE: NVIDIA Tokkio and NVIDIA Maxine.

Violet was developed as a Tokio application workflow. The interactive avatars created with this workflow can see, recognize and interact intelligently to improve customer service by providing a recommendation system online and in offline places such as restaurants and shops.

NVIDIA’s creative team used UCF to build a graph of microservices for Violet deployed in the cloud.

NVIDIA Maxine offers GPU-accelerated AI software development kits and a suite of cloud-native microservices to leverage AI capabilities and enhance real-time video communications. In addition, the NVIDIA Riva SDK’s real-time automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech functions are integrated into real-time ‘live portrait’ photo animations and eye contact functions to enhance communication and understanding.

– Modern microservices that expand the possibilities of avatars

Violet’s demo video highlights how developers of digital humans and virtual assistants are using the ACE Omnibus to speed up their avatar development workflow. ACE Omnibus also provides microservices to access the best of NVIDIA’s AI technology without any additional coding.

Here’s an overview of modern microservices:

AI Animation: Omniverse Audio2Face helps animate games, movies, and real-time digital assistant characters by streamlining 3D character animation to match the entire voiceover track.
Conversational AI: Includes the NVIDIA Riva SDK for speech AI and the NVIDIA NeMo Megatron framework for natural language processing to quickly build cutting-edge applications that are highly accurate, expressive, and responsive in real-time that can be built and deployed .

– AI avatars bring new developments across industries

ACE’s AI avatars will enhance interactive customer experiences in industries such as gaming and entertainment, transportation and hospitality.

Deloitte, a leading professional consulting firm, has partnered with NVIDIA to help companies implement innovative applications. At GTC, Deloitte announced that NVIDIA AI, including Omnibus ACE, and a new hybrid cloud suite targeting NVIDIA Omnibus services and platforms will be added to the existing Deloitte Center for AI Computing.

Vladimir Mastilović, Vice President, Digital Human Technologies, Epic Games, said, “AI models and services in the cloud are paving the way for strengthening human and digital human connectivity, and the keynote of NVIDIA GTC The interaction with Violet showed what the future of AI may be avatars based on looks. We’re excited to see NVIDIA Omnibus ACE use MetaHuman Unreal Engine 5 to easily create more attractive and faithful 3D avatars.”

NVIDIA Omnibus ACE will begin early access to partners later this year, with Tokio, a reference application for streamlining customer service avatar operations.

Join a related session at GTC to learn more about the ACE omnibus and all the technology that goes into creating and animating realistic, interactive digital humans.

Customers can request a Hands-on Tokio demonstration on the web. Developers and partners can set up ACE release notifications.

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