
Omicron infection confirmed in 6 continents… Europe, South Africa faster than reports


A new mutation of COVID-19, Omicron, has also been confirmed in Brazil.

Cases of infection have been confirmed on all six continents.

In particular, it spreads rapidly in Europe, and it was confirmed that there were already infected people in Europe before the first case was reported in South Africa.

Let’s connect with Berlin.

Correspondent Gwi-soo Kim! Have you added Brazil?


That’s right.

Two cases of infection were also reported in Brazil, and confirmed cases were reported in all six continents within a week of the first report.

Europe is the fastest-growing country.

There are two cases of infection in Switzerland, and Omicron has been confirmed in 12 countries.

3 locations in Africa, 4 locations in Asia and the Middle East, 1 location each in North and South America, and Oceania.

In Japan, the second confirmed case of infection has put out a super strong precipitation limiting the entry of its own citizens.


But before it was officially reported, where in Europe was there an Omicron infection?


Before South Africa reported it to the World Health Organization on November 24, it was confirmed that Omicron was detected in several European countries.

The Netherlands discovered micron mutations in samples taken on the 19th and 23rd of last month.

Germany and Belgium also confirmed mutations in overseas travelers on the 21st and 22nd of last month, respectively.

There have even been cases where a German man who had never been abroad or had contact with a foreigner was infected with Omicron.

It can be inferred that this may have been introduced into Europe much earlier than is known, or that Omicrons may not have originated in Africa.


So you’re saying it could be a lot more serious than it appears now?


Experts are concerned that regional transmission is already underway in Europe.

[사지드 자비드/영국 보건장관 : “이미 지역감염이 시작됐냐고요? 우리는 현실적이어야 합니다. 그럴 가능성이 있습니다. 다른 유럽 국가처럼 현재 적극적으로 사례를 찾고 있으므로 확진자가 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.”]

Countries have introduced entry restrictions and mandatory masks, and some are pushing for compulsory vaccines.

If the situation gets worse, there are warnings that a lockdown may be imposed, which will close shops and make it difficult to cross borders.

Delivered from Berlin.

Video Editing: Lee Tae-hee / Graphics: Kim Ji-hoon