
Pak boy bone marrow transplant Saif Jalal’s love flower that bends the border | Kozhikode | Kerala | Deshabhimani


All the light in the world is in two-year-old Saif’s smile, which erases boundaries. In it, uncle Saif Jalal and Umm Samuri forget all the darkness of pain. Saif Jalal, a native of Balochistan Pakistan, was diagnosed with a rare blood-borne disease called Severe Combined Immunodeficiency. The Kerala baby, which leads the world in the field of health, returned the child to Jalal and Saduri after the doctors ruled that all possibility of survival was closed. At Aster Mims Hospital in Kozhikode, a rare bone marrow transplant surgery was carried out at a cost of 25 lakh rupees thanks to the generosity of many people. After two months of treatment, Saif returns with his life back.

Jalal is a taxi driver. Treatment including chemotherapy was done in UAE for his son’s treatment. But the health condition was getting worse. When the immune system was destroyed, infection was common. Life in hospitals was without being able to breathe or eat on his own.

The family came here after hearing about the treatment at Aster Mims. The CEO of the hospital, Lukman Ponmadath, said that the travel problems are being resolved quickly with the support of the Ministry of External Affairs. Financial support was provided by the Sharjah Charitable Foundation and the Aster Mims Charitable Trust. Over a period of two years, 75 bone marrow transplants were carried out at Aster Mims. Regional Director Farhan Yasin, Dr. EK Suresh Kumar, Dr. R. Keshavan, Dr. V. Sudeep, Dr. KV Gangadharan and the Prince spoke.

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