
Park Ji-won, “Presidential secretary’s office ‘foolish’…President Yoon, you have to pay attention to approval ratings”

[주영진의 뉴스브리핑]

When citing an interview, the program name ‘SBS’ ‘ Please be precise. Copyright belongs to SBS.

■ Broadcast: SBS Mon~Fri (14:00~16:00)

■ Progress: Anchor Joo Young-jin

■ Interview: Park Ji-won, former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung


● Park Ji-won “Presidential secretary’s office ‘foolish’…President Yoon, you need to pay attention to approval ratings”

“President’s office, show with unnecessary photos… ‘Fool'”

“Questions and answers on the way to work, mistakes are piling up… The president’s words must be refined and reviewed”

“If candidate Park Soon-ae had also resigned, approval rating would not have fallen.”

“President Yoon, you have to impress the people… In politics, you have to pay attention to ‘numbers’ and approval ratings”

“President Yoon, you can’t just blame the Moon Jae-in government… You have to present a vision for the future”

“Park Ji-hyun, should have made you run for party leader… You should save ‘politics’ rather than ‘rule of law’”

“Lee Jun-seok will be ‘tosagupin’…my prediction is wrong”

▷ Joo Young-jin/Anchor: Political chaos In relation to this matter I have told you so far, Park Ji-won, former chief of staff to President Kim Dae-jung. I told you to call me Kim Dae-jung, the chief of staff of President Kim Dae-jung rather than the head of the National Intelligence Service. Park Ji-won, the former head of the department, appeared. welcome.

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: Hello.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: President Yoon Seok-Yeol’s approval rating for the state government has been less than two months, but more and more answers are coming out saying it’s wrong?

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: If you do that, you have no choice but to fall.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: How do you do it?

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: Look at that secretary’s office. Can you do something stupid like that? If you’ve been to the summit, you should celebrate your achievements and talk about your vision of what to do with China in the future. What show are you doing with unnecessary photos? So I get an error like that. That’s accumulating now. Neither the president nor I cared about the election. It was then that I didn’t care because I was in 1st place. At the end of the current administration, even if approval ratings drop, there is no reason for the next president to appear. So you don’t have to worry about it. But now, it’s been less than two months, but now that I’ve become a dead cross, the people are very worried, but you’re the only one I don’t care. That’s right. If you do that, you will fall. Try it now. The president keeps saying that such a problem arises because of a wrong personnel appointment, but if the Minister of Health and Welfare resigned voluntarily today, why would the Minister of Education resign again? are you making an appointment? Aren’t you looking at the people? If the education minister was drunk driving, would he take office and teach students to drink and drive? it’s okay? What’s more interesting is that this year, when the retiring Ministry of Education teachers applied for awards, nearly 370-380 teachers did not receive awards for their DUI experience.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Even if you had drunk driving experience before 1994?

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: I didn’t even get it before 2001. Then, since the Minister of Education has become the Minister of Education, should he reinstate those who were not rewarded with No. 1 and reward them again? It shouldn’t be like that.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Then I think President Yoon Seok-Yeol is saying that something needs to be changed in state affairs.

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: It has to change.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: How should we change it? If ex-President Kim Dae-jung also served as an assistant at a close distance, how should we make a mantra in the presidential office right now, ‘President, we need to change like this now’?

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: As I pointed out from the beginning. You are saying hello wrong.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Are you making the mistake of greeting?

▶ Park Ji-won/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: Here, the Prosecutor’s Republic and the police are all doing the wrong thing right now, as they focus on skills rather than becoming a prosecutor’s republic. Second door passing.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: Door stepping.

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: How many door steppings do you have now? You made another mistake this morning. So, like President Dae-Jung Kim, we were served that way. At 6 in the morning, the chief of staff, the chief of political affairs, the chief of public relations, and Park Ji-won. I’m going to have the president and explain all of today’s issues for an hour.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: Every morning?

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: Every morning.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: At the Blue House?

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: That’s right. After that, it is discussed there at the senior meeting at 7:30, and it ends at 8:30. The chiefs discuss with each minister and the chief of staff discusses with the prime minister, and a decision is made. So, the Word has been refined and reviewed. Because you don’t have to do that. How fresh and good it is, but if mistakes like that keep piling up, people get anxious. Next, Mrs. Kun-hee Kim, manage publicly. If you say you don’t want to make an accessory room, you have to do it. No, look now. Keonhee Cafe, is that Chairman Kang Shin-up or what is he doing? We are a political association, and what do we do with money? You shouldn’t do this. Don’t do this to Mrs. Geon-hee Kim, because it’s her own cafe. you have to do this Now, even the master of heaven comes forward and says many things, so the people keep getting this wrong again. I can’t even tell you here. Then it’s not about the economy.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: The economy is in a very serious situation.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: That’s right. The situation has to be But you have to do it quickly and simply, go to the economy and go to the waterfront. If the current president of the United States plays Biden Trump, Trump wins.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: This part is really interesting. Doesn’t that mean that polls now show Trump’s approval ratings higher?

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: That’s right. There are more, but 60% of Americans say don’t come out for Trump or Biden.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: They will want new leadership, the American people too.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: And 85% of the American people are not going in the right direction for our country and the United States now. 79% say the economy is bad. But what do our people think now? The minimum wage has been raised by 5%. But it’s not that prices are going up 7% now, this month. However, the cost of living is more than 10%, the perceived cost of living. So, did the minimum wage go up or down? So everyone complains. The president has to sit down with the National Assembly, the ruling and opposition parties, and the president to deliberate on economic and price issues, but fortunately, the ruling and opposition floor leaders elected Chairman Kim Jin-pyo today, didn’t they? And let the standing committee settle the agreement, this is a good thing. Why did you do this well? Because they say it can’t be done until this morning, the media will take a huge hit and the public opinion will boil, so get rid of the National Assembly. I did in the morning too. But that’s why it comes back. But why does our president keep going to the past now? Go to the future, go to the economy.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: So, regarding public opinion approval ratings, I understand the belief that I do not depend on figures for a long time. That’s the first reason, shall we? When I looked at the fundamental reason for the more negative responses, it was said that personnel issues were the most frequent as I said before. Let’s see. Personnel issues were the most common. Let’s see now. When I asked him why he evaluated it negatively as a result of a Gallup Korea survey, he did not like the personnel issue. Then there is the issue of economy and people’s livelihood. And the answer to being good at it is determination, drive, and perseverance. Determination, drive, perseverance. But personnel issues, economy, people’s livelihood, dogmatic, one-sided. I wonder if this is a little bit overlapping with greetings and arbitrary and one-sided.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: That’s right. No, that’s why the people are not impressed by being sharp. If this morning the Minister of Welfare and the Minister of Education together decide this is not the case, I will do it again. Please understand that the verification was wrong. If you do this, your support will never drop. Because anyone can do it. However, people who drink and drive here are fine, and public officials who drive under the influence of alcohol are punished and given no rewards. So what will happen? So, I need to get people’s emotions. Why don’t you care about support? Politics are numbers. Don’t tell the Democrats that you keep losing 0.73% in the presidential election. If there is at least one vote, you lose and if you have more votes, you win.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: That’s right.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: Politics is a number. So, from the beginning, from the beginning of the transition committee, the elected President Yoon Seok-yeol said that he should be concerned about the bad opinion polls like this, and he should think about it, but he didn’t. If you don’t, it’s like that. How worried are our people?

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: There is one scene that I remember during the Kim Dae-jung administration. Jang Sang and Jang Dae-hwan’s nominees for Prime Minister continued to drop out of the horse.

▶ Park Ji-won/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: I lost the horse.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: I think it must have been quite difficult back then. Besides, isn’t he the Prime Minister?

▶ Park Ji-won/Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: I was very embarrassed as the chief of staff, but even Prime Minister Jang Sang-sang is not based on today’s standards. Apartment. It’s not even Prime Minister Jang Dae-hwan. But I don’t think about that time, but the standards of the present are right. Another thing that doesn’t work is that in every case, President Moon Jae-in, in the power of the people, the government of President Moon Jae-in is to blame. Does this make sense? Can it be said that the Moon Jae-in administration is to blame for a lot of love bugs? You can’t do that.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: Love bug.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: That’s right.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Self-consciousness that we are different There was the Moon Jae-in administration and I think there was the Yun Seok-yeol administration.

▶ Park Ji-won/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: Well, the Moon Jae-in administration made a mistake, so there was a change of government and President Yoon Seok-yeol was elected president. Then you should do well. I have to present a vision to do this in the future, but it is not, and we are different from the Moon Jae-in administration. This is also the Moon Jae-in government. Does this make sense? You can’t do that. The president must present a new future and vision to the people and lead them in that direction. Then you’re going to go to Dangun Grandpa and tell him you did something wrong? Then it can’t be this.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: President Seok-Yeol Yoon seeks advice from elders from all walks of life in our society. Park Ji-won, former head of department If you contact me, I’m sure you have a lot to say.

▶ Park Ji-won/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: I didn’t call. I’ll always go and talk when I call, you can’t do that. And you have to be honest about it, and the Presidential Secretariat shouldn’t do that. What are you doing now? You are criticized for buying something that the president doesn’t need to hear about by releasing any kind of photo. Then it can’t be this. Even if you do what you can and do not do, please don’t blame the Moon Jae-in government for everything. Let’s go to the future, to the economy, to prices. Then you succeed. If you listen to me, you will succeed.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: I see.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: President Yun Seok-yeol scored 80 points for what I went to the NATO summit. Kun-hee Kim scored 90 points. I thought the fashion was cool, but I was beaten up a lot. Looking at my comments, why are you waiting in line for Mrs. Kim Kun-hee and President Yoon to try again as the head of the National Intelligence Service? I’m not that kind of person. They say that you have to say that you are good at what you are good at, and that you cannot do what you are not good at, but it is really disappointing to see the Minister of Education and such an appearance today. However, the only hope I saw is that even the National Assembly will normalize, so if the standing chairpersons are all done, the bill will have to be handled well, but if the president has to sit down with the ruling and opposition parties and the president to solve these problems, such as economy and price, and if the NATO summit is successful, China will surely now it shows up

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: The Chinese issue is very important.

▶ Park Ji-won/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: We have to think through these issues before proceeding. Are you going to say that it is the Moon Jae-in government’s fault for not doing anything and for what China did because of the NATO summit? Then it can’t be this.

News briefing by Joo Young-jin - Park Ji-won, former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Since you are here, you are not eligible to run for the Democratic Party’s former vice chairman Park Ji-Hyeon. An exception can be made by the Party Affairs Committee, but in the case of Gyeonggi Governor Kim Dong-yeon, an exception was granted. They say you have to be a party member or a member of the right party for at least 6 months until you register, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t meet the conditions, the conditions for paying the party fee.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: I think I should have let Park Ji-hyun run for president. Because you weren’t the co-chair of the Non-Captain until yesterday?

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: That’s right.

▶ Park Ji-won/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: But it was blocked. But even if the constitutional party rules were like that, why did Chairman Park Ji-hyun do it and Governor Kim Dong-yeon did it? That part was integrated per party.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: That’s right.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: So, there are some regrets, but if the party decides, we have to surrender. how to do? If you are like me, I am still one of the co-chairs of the non-captain, so even if a party meeting is held, I would like it to open up so that I can run for the non-captain again. However, it is the constitutional rules of the party that prevent it. Then, I can’t help it, but why did Chairman Park Ji-hyun do it to Governor Kim Dong-yeon and he did it again, and he probably wasn’t good at fact-checking that, but I have regrets about that.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Probably after today’s non-congress meeting, the non-congress members unanimously said that this is not possible and that there is no reason to admit an exception. .

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: So I think so. This is not politics. It’s not a political party. That’s why I interpreted it politically and was the co-chair of the Emergency Response Committee until yesterday.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: That’s right.

▶ Park Ji-won/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: Now do that and not this? This is also tricky. So, the ruling and opposition parties should live politics rather than the rule of law.

▷ Joo Young-jin/Anchor: We need to save politics.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: That’s right.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: The rule of law is important, but politics must be saved.

▶ Park Ji-won / Former Chief of Staff Kim Dae-jung: That’s right. The rule of law is the last moment.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: I really wanted to hear what former Vice President Park Ji-Hyeon said that he would run for office. What are you going to talk about when you come out to the party’s presidential election?

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: Well. Since I am the chairman of Park Ji-hyeon, many people keep asking if Park Ji-won has appeared.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: I see. Back in the day, she wouldn’t have thought of the 20th Democratic Party Democrats, but she was.

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: Yes. Lee Jun-seok, in his 30s, became the party leader and created a new wind, elected the president and won the local elections overwhelmingly.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: I’ll watch that. What will happen to CEO Jun-seok Lee?

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: That is definitely the case.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: I see. Next time I come out, I’ll ask you another question about it.

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: I honestly hope that what I said is wrong. You can’t do that, if you throw it away like that.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: I see. I heard you well today.

▶ Jiwon Park/Former Chief of Staff to President Kim Dae-jung: Thank you.

※ For details, you can check the video.

(SBS New Media Department)