
Permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council; Britain and France in favor of India World | Deshabhimani

United Nations Centre
France reiterates its support for India’s permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council. Britain has also stated that it will support India. France’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Nathalie Broadhurst, said that India, Germany, Brazil and Japan will be supported to become permanent members of the expanded United Nations Security Council. She was speaking at the plenary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.

UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward said they will support India, Germany, Japan and Brazil for permanent membership. So far the US, the UK, France and Russia have announced their support for India’s permanent membership.

The fifteen country council has five permanent members. The Council’s membership can be up to 25. India’s two-year chairmanship of the 15-member council ends next month.

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