
“Pok-Margie” opens up about the story before surgery for a brain tumor

Until he decided to go to the doctor and did an MRI scan and found that it wastumorThe brain is the size of a ping-pong ball. At that time, I admit that there was a lot of Blank. Because someone in the family had surgery on the brain and never recovered. It was a very terrifying experience and the fear that it would happen again to myself.

Subsequently, on 24 November 64, receivedsurgery From the scan that is the size of a ping-pong ball In fact, it’s almost as big as a tennis ball. It was also found that there was another bleeding in the brain. But everything went well. And it’s not a lump like the doctor had previously assumed. because it may be in the scope of the livingend stage cancer which may live for no more than 2 years

Thank you information from Tnews
