
[Pokemon GO]What is the new element “Mega Level”? Explaining the charm of mega sinkers full of merits | AppBank

I will explain the mega level of “Pokémon GO”.

What is the new replay element “Mega Level”?

In connection with the update around the mega sinker, a new replay element “Mega levelThe system has been implemented.

Mega level is allThree stagesIt exists, and the higher it goes, the greater the benefits it can receive.

In this article, I will explain the elements that I would like to pay particular attention to among the benefits of increasing the mega level.

Reduced break time and required mega energy

When the mega level rises, thenBreak time until mega sinker is possible without using mega energyIs shortened (7 days at the base level, 5 days at the high level, 3 days at the max level), and the amount of mega energy required for the mega sinker is reduced.

By the way, the mega level goes up by making a mega sinker (up to 1 increase in one day), and it takes a minimum of 7 days to reach the high level and a minimum of 30 days to reach the max level.

Of course, if you use Mega Energy as before, you can make it a mega sinker without waiting for a break.

As the mega level rises, it will be possible to use mega sinkers with less mega energy, so it seems that it will be easier to use!

It will be easier to earn candy and XP!

When the mega level rises, with the Pokemon that made it mega sinkerAmount of XP obtained when you get the same type of PokemonIncreased. It seems that it will be much easier to earn XP if you use happy eggs or combine it with various bonuses.

Also, it can be obtained when you get a Pokemon of the same type as the Pokemon that was made to mega-sinker.Increased amount of candy & increased probability of obtaining candy XLSeems to do.

▼ If you make a mega sinker of two types of Pokemon such as Mega Lizardon (in this case, Fire & Flying or Fire & Dragon), you will be able to efficiently get the candy of two types of Pokemon, so it will be quite convenient. ..

Community Day, Spotlight Hour, etc.Events where a large number of specific Pokemon occurIf you use the bonus inA large amount of candy in a short timeIt seems that it will be possible to collect.
It seems that the amount of candy that can be obtained when you get the same type of Pokemon as the mega-sinkered Pokemon will increase, and the probability of obtaining candy XL will increase.

By raising the mega level of each Pokemon, I have a feeling that the usual “Poke activity” will become even more comfortable.

Although a break is required, it is now possible to use Mega Shinka without consuming Mega Energy (it can evolve immediately if you use Mega Energy), so it is also a nice point to be able to use Mega Shinka Pokemon more easily than before. is not it.