
Pope to the Order of Malta: close to suffering with organized work – Vatican News

Pope Francis received the participants of the General Assembly of the Order of Malta, emphasizing that the immediate task is to witness the Gospel and help the sick and the poor.

(Vatican News Network)At the end of the General Assembly of the Order of Malta, Pope Francis received the participants of the assembly in the Vatican on January 30, encouraging them to commit themselves to defending the faith and serving the poor and the suffering with “eternal drive”, testifying in such a service that following Christ is a “soulful path”. This enables people to encounter God “in every face of a brother or sister”, in every clasped hand, in every situation that reproduces the ideal of the founder. Blessed Sasso (Gerardo Sasso), the founder of the order, achieved his ideals by dedicating his life to the poor.

The Knights of Malta received the new “Charter” and “Regulations” published by the Pope on September 3 last year, and in accordance with its rules, held a general meeting between January 25 and 29 this year to hold elections. During the audience after the Congress, the Pope congratulated the order.

The Pope mentioned, before the General Assembly, that the Knights held a meeting of the members of the order “to discuss the issue of rebuilding with the spirit of establishment, the style of life of the community, and full compliance with the solemn vow of poverty”. In addition, the Knights will also be recruiting starters again. The pope invited everyone to pray for this, asking God to send “abundant vocations” to the order and encouraging them to provide “proper formation”.

Then, the Pope spoke about the three characteristics of the Knights, namely: sovereign independence, military characteristics, and a hospital mission. The Pope began by explaining that the Order, thanks to its sovereign independence, can “participate in generous and costly acts of solidarity”, “under the legal protection of international diplomacy, to be close to those who are most in need” .

The military character reminds one of the Knights’ glorious history of protecting pilgrims, sacred places and the Christian faith. “Today, those actions give way to religious dialogue. Moreover, because of Christianity and following Christ, you actively witness to the Gospel and fight against everything that is contrary to the Gospel.”

Regarding the mission of the hospital, the Pope referred to “service for pilgrims at the Hospital of Saint John the Baptist in Jerusalem” of Blessed Sasso. He also cared for those in need, providing them with medical care. This is the service performed by the Order of Malta to this day.

“When caring for the sick, you know how to recognize in each of them the face of Christ’s suffering, no matter where they come from, what nationality or religion they are. … As you approach and care for others with compassion and tenderness, you yourself are Jesus the Good Shepherd, the good Samaritan echoes.”

So the Pope draws attention to a great precedent of the service that benefits a neighbor. “Let us not forget that work needs to be well organized, that it must be well organized and managed, and above all it must be a sign of Christ’s love.”

Finally the Pope encouraged the members of the Knights of Malta to be faithful to the Lord Christ and to spread His message of healing the sick and comforting the distressed throughout the world.

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