
‘Pregnant before remarriage’ Lee Jae-eun gave birth to a daughter by Caesarean section at the age of 43 “Tae-ri’s mother had a hard time”

Photo = Instagram capture

Actress Lee Jae-eun, who admitted to being pregnant and dating at the same time, gave birth to a daughter.

On the 21st, Lee Jae-eun’s husband posted on Instagram, “Tae-ri’s mom was working hard. It’s nice to meet you Taeri” along with a photo.

In the published photo, Lee Jae-eun gave birth to a girl. In particular, Lee Jae-eun in the picture drew attention as she made a thrilling expression while looking at her daughter with her body lying down.

Earlier on the 21st, Lee Jae-eun announced on Instagram, “Now go sing to give birth!” and “The preparation process is long.”

Then, he said, “I’ve been hugging him for 10 months, but when I come out of the world… I don’t know why, but what is this cool feeling?” Pray and Pasha! you can do it! It’s okay!” he encouraged himself.

Lee Jae-eun said, “But it’s not that it’s not, it’s a little scary” and “This too will pass”, revealing a strong side.

Meanwhile, Lee Jae-eun married a choreographer 9 years her senior in 2006, but divorced in 2017 after 11 years.

Kang Min-seon Online News Reporter

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]