
Premier League ︱ Manchester United press Chelsea C Long as a backup pass is not reused by Lanrick, the future is a mystery (18:22)-20211129-Sports-Real Time News

The Red Devils took advantage of Chatton Xinzu’s 50 minutes to take advantage of Chelsea midfielder Jojinu’s mistake and drove straight ahead. After the first goal since joining the Europa League against Villaril, the Red Devils made another contribution. In the 69th minute, Manchester United lost 12 yards in the penalty area from the right gate Yun Bi Shaka kicked Diago Shihua, and Giorgio equalized. The two teams eventually scored one point each, and after the Manchester League rose to 8th place, Chelsea continued to top the list.

Ronaldo, who returned to Ottoford this summer, was ahead of the reserve in this game, and it took only 64 minutes to replace Xinzu, the hero of the goal. He returned to the locker room with an angry look after the game, without shaking hands with the Blues players. Kavic said that the team has made some adjustments in this battle, and putting away Ronald is only part of the plan. “C Ronald may be our (Manchester United) most outstanding name, but it is the plan for this battle to put him first in the reserve. I had good communication with him about this beforehand, so I decided to follow the original plan.”

Lokomotiv Moscow Sports Development Director Lanrik will soon be the guard leader of the “Red Devils”. The 63-year-old coach is known as the creator of the high-pressure press tactic “Gegenpress”. When he took over the newly promoted Bundesliga RB Leipzig in 2016, he was once asked whether he would win the top star Metz or Ronaldo, and he disliked the two as “old and expensive”. Although Kavic denied that the removal of Ronald was related to Lanrick after the game, the Portuguese captain was accused by foreign media or not suitable for the new playing style, and even made his future in the Red Devils doubtful.

Manchester United star Su Jianni was puzzled by the decision to put Ronaldo away, saying that “C Ronald’s return to the Red Devils is not to sit on the bench”, and said that even if the former teammate played in the Europa League in the middle of last week, there is still more than enough to play in this battle, and there is no need to rotate to rest. Liverpool star Gabriel believes that it is not a big deal for Ronald to be a backup in one or two games, and believes that Lanrick will not put Ronald in the reserve to make trouble for himself when he first took office.

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