
Preparing for the slag horse race Anson Kong Qu Zhiying Luo Yingchao teaches the slag horse preparation tips[short film]-20211017-HOT PICK

The Standard Chartered Marathon will be held on October 24th, and there is still one week left from the Standard Chartered Marathon.MIRRORmemberAnson KongIFJiang Sheng)、Long-distance runners Qu Zhiying and Luo Yingchao teach runners preparation tips before the race.

●It is advisable to choose the usual breakfast on the match day to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort

Anson Kong prepares a “runner bag” with bread, ham and cheese, with a glass of orange juice. Qu Zhiying reminded runners that it is best for runners to eat the usual breakfast on the day of the race to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort and affect performance.

●Slow down the pace in the early part of the game and prepare for heat rejection in the middle part of the game

Anson Kong quoted the Observatory’s records that at the end of October, the past average temperature was about 24.9 degrees Celsius and the relative humidity was about 70%. Luo Yingchao said that this year’s competition may be hotter than before. It is recommended that runners slow down in the early stages of the competition; prepare for heat removal in the middle stage, including replenishing water, sugar, and electrolytes. Anson Kong also reminded runners to wear hats and sunglasses for sun protection.

●Warm up before the game

Anson Kong and Qu Zhiying demonstrate warming up ankles, joints, and thighs in the following clips.

Practical information about Zama:

Jama contestants must register for the test 72 hours before the race at Victoria Park to wear identification hand straps

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