
President of Belarus orders military deployment with Russia’s deterrence Ukraine | Reuters

Belarusian President Lukashenko on Thursday ordered the deployment of Belarusian forces alongside Russian forces around Ukraine to counter a clear threat to Belarus from the Ukrainian government and Ukraine’s Western backers. Image provided (2022 Reuters)

[ロンドン 10日 ロイター] – Belarusian President Lukashenko on Wednesday ordered the deployment of Belarusian forces alongside Russian forces around Ukraine to counter a clear threat to Belarus from the Ukrainian government and Ukraine’s Western supporters. A war in Ukraine could escalate further.

“An attack on Belarusian territory is not only discussed but also planned in Ukraine,” Lukashenko said, adding that there is an effort to start a war on Belarus in order to “drag Belarus into the war.” He said. No evidence was given.

“We have been preparing for this for decades, and we will respond if necessary,” he said. He said he had also discussed the situation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Belarusian army has around 60,000 soldiers.