
Prevent high cholesterol, promote cardiovascular and bone health | Blog post

August 24, 2021 15:28 Last update: 15:43

Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Miskawaan Health Group
Dr. Johannes Wessolly
German functional medicine expert 30 years of clinical experience

As we age, it is particularly important to maintain a healthy heart and good blood circulation. Are there any dangers from high cholesterol? How can functional medicine help prevent and treat high cholesterol?

Cholesterol is not harmful

Cholesterol itself is not harmful. It is a waxy fat that adheres to protein and is naturally produced by the liver.When we eat animal foods such as fish and seafood, we also get cholesterol from them. In a healthy state, the human body naturally regulates cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol can protect the internal structure of cells. It helps the liver secrete bile to break down fat; cholesterol can also assist in the production of hormones, such as vitamin D (steroid hormone), which makes bones stronger.

Cholesterol is generally divided into two categories:

Low-density lipoprotein Low-density lipoprotein

It is often referred to as “bad” cholesterol because it accumulates on the inner walls of blood vessels, causing them to narrow.

High density lipoprotein High-density lipoprotein

Often referred to as “good” cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein can carry the “bad cholesterol” to the liver, where it can be processed and excreted from the body, reducing the risk of vascular occlusion.

Health threats from high cholesterol

According to data from the Department of Health in 2017, about 2.9 million people in Hong Kong suffer from high cholesterol. (1)If the body accumulates too much “bad” cholesterol, it can cause blood to form plaques, narrowing blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease, including stroke or heart attack.

High cholesterol does not have any obvious symptoms, so a blood test is required to check the cholesterol level, This test only takes a few seconds to complete. Citizens can use the home kit approved by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to test cholesterol, and the test results are quite accurate.

The low-density lipoprotein LDL level is higher than 130mg. At the same time, doctors will also consider other factors, such as whether you have heart disease or type 2 diabetes to make a diagnosis.

The Asian Diabetes Foundation recommends that healthy adults should check their cholesterol levels every 4-6 years。 (2)

Causes of high cholesterol

  • OftenBad eating habitsPeople are at higher risk of having high cholesterol
  • Obesity or even overweight and insufficient exerciseIt can also cause cholesterol levels to rise, making it easy to get heart disease
  • The cholesterol level of premenopausal women is often lower than that of men, butAfter menopause, LDL levels will rise
  • High cholesterol is also related to heredity.Both inheritance and genes affect the level of cholesterol production in the liver and the efficiency of low-density lipoprotein excretion from the body

Functional medicine and high cholesterol prevention

Usually, doctors will prescribe statins to patients with high cholesterol to control cholesterol levels.

Causes of high cholesterol include thyroid problems, impaired metabolism, or infection.The most common causes of high and low density lipoproteins arePoor eating habits and lack of exercise

Studies have shown that functional medicine can effectively prevent and treat excess low-density lipoprotein.Functional medicine focuses on the root causes of diseases and aims to improve the overall health of patients

To control high cholesterol, you should reduce your intake of saturated fat and trans fat, and increase your intake of foods that are good for heart health.

  • Soluble dietary fiber:Helps reduce the cholesterol absorbed into the blood, and can also help stabilize blood sugar. Commonly found in oats, kidney beans, cabbage, fruits, and bacteria and algae foods.
  • protein:Bring many health benefits. Studies have found that protein supplementation can reduce low-density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, and blood pressure. (3)
  • Omega3 fatty acids:It is beneficial to lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular function. It is commonly found in salmon and mackerel oily fish, and is also rich in walnuts and flaxseed.

at the same time,Functional medicine also recommends that patients manage their weight and set a weekly exercise time. Healthy adults should do about 150 minutes of moderate-to-high-intensity aerobic exercise every week.Active lifestyle management can effectively improve health problems such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure

Reference materials:

(1) The High Cholesterol Health Department of 2.9 million Hong Kong people: The situation is worrying.

(2) Asia Diabetes Foundation. What is cholesterol.

(3) Can lifestyle changes benefit your cholesterol? Mayo Clinic. Published August 28, 2020.

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Dr. Wessolly

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