
Public opinion of ‘majority opposition’ before the office…尹 “It is meaningless to investigate several generations”

[이데일리 장영락 기자] President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol expressed his will to force it, saying, “Some investigations are meaningless” in opposition to the plan to relocate the office of the Ministry of National Defense in Yongsan.

photo = news

On the morning of the 24th, President-elect Yoon answered a related question at the office of the transition committee in Tongui-dong, Seoul. When asked about the recent public opinion polls that showed more than half of the opinions against the plan to relocate the office, President-elect Yoon said, “It is meaningless to say that the current opinion poll results are several units. I think the people have already reached a political and historical conclusion.”

If you look at the political history, it should be said that there is already a consensus of opinion on the relocation of the Oval Office. President-elect Yoon said, “Many former presidents said they would come out of the Blue House during the election, and the people supported them.” He also pointed out that there was support for the relocation of the Oval Office in the past.

President-elect Yoon said, “There have been many attempts before, so is there a need to conduct a new poll? President Moon Jae-in has also talked about it twice (before),” he said.

On the 22nd, realmeter, an opinion polling company, asked 500 adults nationwide about their opinion about the move of President-elect Yoon’s office to the Ministry of National Defense in Yongsan. 44.6% answered in favor and 1.6% did not know.

In a poll conducted by another company, Southern Post RNC, for a wireless automatic response system (ARS) survey of 1,000 people aged 18 and over nationwide from the 22nd to the 23rd at the request of CBS, there was also opposition to the question about the pros and cons of ‘relocating the president’s office to Yongsan’. 53.6% (44.8% strongly opposed + 8.8% opposed), which was higher than 42.9% in favor (27.2% strongly in favor + 15.7% in favor).