
Reject evil, and build the common good, Monsignor Urbanchik!

Monsignor Janusz Urbanczyk, Permanent Observer of the Holy See at the offices of the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, the capital of Austria, at a meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe regarding the atrocities committed by the Nazis.

Joey Kariveli, Vatican City

Monsignor Janusz Urbanczyk says that we must not forget the atrocities committed by the Nazis to remove the dignity of millions, and that it is essential to build a future where human ambition will never again be trampled.

He, who is the permanent observer of the Holy See at the offices of the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, the capital of Austria, was speaking at a meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) on Thursday (26th) in connection with the commemoration day celebrated on January 27, which is the anniversary of the event when millions of people, including Jews and other religious believers, were exterminated by the Nazis. /01/23) speaks.

Referring to the convictions of Pope Francis, Monsignor Urbanchik said that knowledge of this unspeakable cruelty must be passed on to new generations to prevent such atrocities from being repeated and to reinforce the condemnation of such acts.

He recalled Pope Francis’ emphasis on the need to train young generations to be active in the fight against hatred and discrimination. “In order to build a truly human future, Monsignor Urbanchik also quoted the Pope’s words that it is not enough to reject evil, but to build a common good together. This is not an easy task, he added, because even today, our societies continue to be plagued by the scourge of hatred and violence and the rejection of human rights and decency.