
Relevant information about Fan Weiqi’s suspected pregnancy, canceling work and resting at home_新广网

guide Hello everyone, Kobayashi will explain to you. Many people do not know about Fan Weiqi’s suspicion of pregnancy, cancel work and rest at home. Let’s look now! 1. Fan Weiqi is suspected of being pregnant…

Hello everyone, Kobayashi will explain to you. Many people do not know about Fan Weiqi’s suspicion of pregnancy, cancel work and rest at home. Let’s look now!

1. Fan Weiqi is suspected of being pregnant and is canceling work and resting at home. According to Taiwan’s “China Times” report, Christine (Fan Weiqi) and Blake (Chen Jianzhou) have been married for three years, but there has been no good news. In addition to Xiao S, Da S, Aya and Wu Peici are all pregnant or promoted to be a mother.

2. Making Christine’s stomach move has always been a source of concern to the outside fan in the world

3. According to Taiwan’s “China Times”, Christine (played by Fan Weiqi) and Blake (played by Chen Jianzhou) have been married for three years, but there has been no good news. Except for Little S, Big S, Aya and Wu Peici are all pregnant or upgraded to mothers, which makes Christine’s abdominal dynamics a concern to the outside world.

4. However, Fan Weiqi suddenly canceled two activities recently, which aroused the curiosity of the outside world. Although the official statement at the time was that it was canceled due to a head injury, it was questioned as a success.

5. There are many signs if Kristen is truly happy. First of all, he canceled the sharp party without notice, and was originally scheduled to attend the film launch conference of Wu Sixian, a member of “Lollipop Model”. In addition, her former friend Aya successfully gave birth to a daughter in the United States, and Da S publicly expressed that she is very happy that all her sisters have sisters.

6. Ortons are also suspected.

7. Although Christine’s record company said afterwards that because Fan Weiqi had fallen at home before and had not recovered from a fall and was often dizzy, both activities were cancelled, but suggested the doctor also that he should rest more, and then he called for a temporary stop. And she herself wrote on the Internet that there is nothing that is not commented on, and there is nothing that cannot be guessed.

8. The outside world saw Zai Jiaqiang denying pregnancy, but his words were vague and he did not deny it positively. In addition, her husband’s black attitude was also uncharacteristic, and he did not respond positively.

9. Christine’s record company not only explained that the reason for canceling the event was that her head injury still hadn’t healed, but also publicly asked everyone to help cheer her up, bluntly saying and so on: Let her stop things during this time and concentrate. on recording and pregnancy. Let good news come and go.

This article has finished sharing the relevant information about Fan Weiqi’s suspicious pregnancy, canceling work and resting at home. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.