
Reporter: Paris owner wants to sign C. Lang in January, but executives have concerns… – yqqlm

Reporter: Paris boss wants to sign C. Lang in January, but executives have concerns…

According to Plettenberg, the famous reporter of Sky Sports Germany, the owner of Paris Saint-Germain is very interested in introducing C. Ronaldo in January.(Cristiano Ronaldo)interest

bombed Manchester United and Tan Hag(Erik ten Hag)After that, the relationship between C. Ronaldo and the club was completely broken.

Plettenberg revealed that Paris are interested in introducing C. Ronaldo in January. But the club’s sporting director, Gambos, has concerns, he believes Paris’ line-up should be more fluid and the players should be younger.

Whether Max and C. Ronaldo will team up in Paris, let us wait and see.


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