
“Request for new presidential office new hotel”…”Additional relocation costs are coming out”

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The presidential office requested the budget for the new hotel, which was withdrawn due to public opposition, and it was confirmed that the Ministry of Strategy and Finance had gone through a working level review.

The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs said himself, but did not reveal who ordered the presidential office.

Reporter Yoo Choong-hwan reports.

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While attention is focused on when and how the won budget of 87.8 billion was created for the new hotel, Deputy Prime Minister Choo Kyung-ho said in a question to the government today that the office of the presidential secretary has ask for the budget for the hotel last month. .

[추경호 경제부총리]

“(The President’s Office) introduced it in August. It was officially proposed by the President’s Office and went through a working level review process within the Ministry of Strategy and Finance…”

The presidential office and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance have reportedly been reviewing the new hotel internally for at least a month.

However, Deputy Prime Minister Chu said he could not reveal who made the proposal in the presidential secretariat because it was a security matter and he did not inform the president.

[김수흥/민주당 의원]

“What did the president say?”


“No, he didn’t give us this business. Us.”

[김수흥/민주당 의원]

“Doesn’t the Minister of Strategy and Finance report on this project and the guest house project to the president in the final confirmation stage did he do this right?”

In the midst of this, Representative Kang Deuk-gu of the Democratic Party said that the presidential office has prepared about 2.9 billion won for the maintenance and replacement of old facilities in Yongsan next year, which won 2 billion for the construction of access blocking vehicles.

The cost associated with relocating the presidential office to Yongsan continues to rise.

The presidential office explained that the maintenance of old facilities is an annual budget organized by government agencies and that it has nothing to do with the relocation of the office, but the debate between the ruling and the opposition parties continues .

[박성준/민주당 대변인]

“If it is a reasonable budget, the total cost must be disclosed to the public and the people must be convinced of the need.

[양금희/국민의힘 대변인]

“Although there are obvious benefits, such as 1.4 million people visiting the Blue House within 78 days of the opening of the Blue House, we are only focusing on catching pods and inflating the relocation costs.”

The battle over the details of the construction of the new hotel for the presidential office and the cost of the relocation is expected to continue until the state inspection in October.

This is MBC News Yoo Choong-hwan.

Jang Jae-hyun video commentary, Seo Doo-beom/Yoon Chi-young video editing

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