
Research results revealed! Sleep less than 6 hours, risk of disease, early death, and sexual dysfunction.

Many of the effects of sleep deprivation are well known. Feeling dissatisfied and not working at full capacity But did you know that sleep deprivation can have serious consequences for your health?

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As a general rule, if you wake up tired and spend the day But still need a little nap It’s possible that you’re not getting enough sleep.

Dr Rebecca Robbins, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical Schoo, told the Telegraph that just one hour of sleep change was enough to make a significant difference.

“When we change our sleep schedule, add an hour or more the next day. We are sending a signal to the brain that we are trying to adapt to a new time. This makes sleeping the next night more challenging.”

Dr Rebecca is also a co-scientist at the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She said toxins released by the brain could lead to serious outcomes.

“We discovered that all day long the brain produces toxins Its accumulation is associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.”

“There is also one interesting study looking at rhinoviruses. which is the pathogen that causes SARS-Cove-2 Researchers found that sleep-deprived people were twice as likely to get colds and flu.”

“People who are vaccinated will be able to see increased development of antibodies. to fight viral pathogens and more efficient when coupled with a healthy sleep period.”

on the side NHS reported that regular sleep deprivation This puts you at risk for serious medical conditions such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure. Plus, the mental effects are more severe and shorten life expectancy.

Studies have shown that people who sleep less than 7 hours a day. More likely to gain weight and have a higher risk of obesity believing that Sleep deprivation lowers leptin levels. (a chemical that makes you feel full) and increases levels of ghrelin. (Hunger stimulating hormone)

Sleep increases sex drive. Research suggests that men and women who don’t get enough quality sleep get better sleep.loss of libido decreased sexual desire and sexual dysfunction

journal Nature Communications Long-term studies show that sleeping less than six hours per night in middle age can increase the risk of dementia.

After 8,000 subjects for 25 years, sustained periods of low sleep between the ages of 50, 60 and 70 were associated with a 30% increase in dementia risk, so a good night’s sleep is essential. For a long and healthy life

How much sleep do you want? Good quality sleep is 8 hours. Experts say that setting a consistent bedtime is important to help you sleep better. Try to get an extra hour or two more sleep per night.

For anyone who finds it difficult to go back to sleep after being disturbed at night. Dr. Rebecca suggests that Don’t look at or play with your phone. then get out of bed

Try sitting in an armchair or cross-legged on the floor and meditating or exercising your imagination. to help fall asleep immediately In addition, sleeping in a room withThe weather is cool about 18 degrees Celsius. It can also help you sleep better.

Take a nap for 20 minutes a day. Dr Rebecca said naps are definitely part of a healthy sleep routine. We recommend 20 minutes unless you have very little sleep. This makes it possible to extend the time up to 90 minutes to keep the brain awake.”

Thank you for coming from Ladbible CNN NHS.