
Research reveals that “category 1 food” can damage the brain and cause stroke and dementia-Health-China Times News

Doctors say eating too much junk food can damage the brain. So-called junk food includes trans fats, sugary drinks, refined carbohydrates, highly processed and packaged foods, and alcohol. (Schematic/Shutterstock)

The brain is one of the most important organs in the human body. It controls memory, learning, actions, and emotions. Apart from reading, the content of food has a great effect on the brain. He cited the chest and r critical care physician Huang Xuan multiple studies and He said that junk food not only damages body tissues, It also damages the brain and seriously affects people’s intelligence and psychological state.

Huang Xuan said on Facebook that if you eat too much junk food, be careful not to damage your brain from junk. Junk food, as referred to here, includes trans fats, sugary drinks, refined carbohydrates, highly processed and packaged foods, and alcohol.

1. Trans fat: Commonly found in margarine, baked goods, biscuits, frozen and canned foods, etc. It will increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc., and also affect the development of nerves and vascular health, leading to brain atrophy, deterioration of memory and cognitive function, and the occurrence of dementia.

2. Sugary drinks: common in soft drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks, energy drinks, etc. It not only increases body weight and blood sugar, but also affects hormone secretion and nutrient absorption, causing nerve cell damage and blood vessel blockage. Long-term use can reduce learning ability, memory, overall brain function and the rate of new neuron production, and can also increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or stroke.

3. Refined carbohydrates: such as white rice, white flour, etc. These foods are quickly converted to sugar during digestion, causing blood sugar spikes that lead to mood swings and poor concentration. They also deprive raw grains of fiber and other brain-healthy nutrients, increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, breast and colorectal cancer, and more.

4. Highly processed and packaged foods: such as instant noodles, canned soups, snacks, etc., lack antioxidants, Omega-3, fiber and other ingredients that are beneficial for the brain, but n contain too many calories, trans fats, additives and other harmful substances. In addition, it will also affect brain tissue and blood circulation, reduce brain volume, and destroy the blood-brain barrier, allowing harmful substances to attack the brain.

5. Alcohol: Alcohol is a neurotoxin that kills brain cells and affects the balance of neurotransmitters. Long-term excessive drinking can cause permanent brain damage, and if combined with a nutritional deficiency (such as a vitamin B group deficiency), it will cause more serious damage to brain cells.

★ “China Times News Network” takes care of you: Drinking too much is harmful to health. Don’t drink and drive, be safe!