
Review of a book to read outside of time by Bundit Ungrangsee, The New Rich

  • Choose your idol, role model or hero wisely. Because it will influence your thoughts. Your inner hero shows you values ​​in life, like what you value. what you think is important So, you must consider the person who will be your role model. Humans will imitate from examples. because there is no method Teach human beings as much as modeling. If we have a role model, we will follow them and come The New Rich, get rich in the style of the new generationcan
  • Everything must be questioned If you want to be successful, you have to study and find information yourself. from real experience learning from a mentor From a book that contains information that can be used for self-improvement. Eliminate unnecessary steps It doesn’t matter, get out Don’t believe what other people do. Together, it will always work. We have to look for simpler and better methods that are out there! if you find you will find
  • focus in the right place What you focus on or pay attention to will be magnified. choose to look at the good things in life, those things grow up read self development books Enrich every day brain development Spiritually and most importantly, always bring good things you have read and practice to increase your own worth.
  • you must know how to motivate yourself Don’t live under other people’s opinions. we can create jobs can make our own money Learn to stand on your own two legs without depending on others. because of that feeling Being able to stand on our own two legs 100% will motivate us to do more and become The New Rich, get rich in the style of the new generationcan
  • The main source of wealth comes from thoughts and ideas. We ourselves have to cut out all our excuses. Only then will your brain have room to figure out how to do it.
  • See himself worthy of The New Rich, get rich in the style of the new generation train yourself often at least in the evening see in themselves as The New Rich, get rich in the style of the new generation Then, after it is done, slowly find a way to do it, with the image that I imagine in my head all the time. Then the path will gradually appear on its own.
  • Having income from multiple sources None The New Rich, get rich in the style of the new generation There is only one source of income.
  • Learn how to conserve or multiply. You will be The New Rich, get rich in the style of the new generation Yes, because you can produce more in less time. Don’t trade your time for money. Thinking that time is not tied to money will not do it. The New Rich, get rich in the style of the new generationcan The New Rich, get rich in the style of the new generation Everyone chooses to be paid for their contributions.
  • develop your potential Money will follow naturally if you develop your potential. And most importantly, build the value, knowledge, experience and potential you have developed. No one can steal from you. In knowledge is true wealth. experience and ability That is the only real wealth in life.

The New Rich book, get rich in the style of the new generation And here are all the conclusions obtained fromThe New Rich book, get rich in the style of the new generation that the author thinks the reader can use it Try to read it, understand it and apply it. Because the author himself is readingThe New Rich book, get rich in the style of the new generation Consistently and applying it to yourself, many things are not taught in school at all. And it is true that people make money from ideas. What ideas do your readers have today!?? information fromThe New Rich book, get rich in the style of the new generation A very eye opening that will allow us to make money on our own. from creating value from developing your own potential and extracting that potential Having multiple income The source is the key because if we take financial goals to deposit with one or the other. As the world changes, some businesses will die! Especially if it’s an older generation that is harder to adjust to! trying to get the information inThe New Rich book, get rich in the style of the new generation Let’s apply it because it’s really good.

Thank youArticle illustration credit: Author

  • Cover Photo Design in Canva
  • Photograph taken by the author.

PchalisaAnother interesting article ✳️

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