
Roshow Technology: The company has launched the Tongliao project restoration and reconstruction project丨The company’s Q&A

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CBN 2021-12-27 14:36:21

Editor in charge: Hao Yunying

Today, the reporter called Roshow Technology as an investor. The staff said that the specific impact of the photovoltaic power station in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, is subject to the announcement. At present, insurance compensation and power station maintenance work has been initiated. Today, when the company responded to investors’ questions on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Interactive Yi platform, the company also stated that the company has initiated the repair and reconstruction project of the Tongliao project. It is initially expected to complete 20 MW grid-connected power generation by the end of January and a total of 40 MW grid-connected power generation by the end of February. Power generation, all 60 MW grid-connected power generation will be completed at the end of March.


Roshow Technology: The company has launched the Tongliao project restoration and reconstruction project丨The company’s Q&A

Today, the reporter called Roshow Technology as an investor. The staff said that the specific impact of the photovoltaic power station in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, is subject to the announcement. At present, insurance compensation and power station maintenance work has been initiated. Today, when the company responded to investors’ questions on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Interactive Yi platform, the company also stated that the company has initiated the repair and reconstruction project of the Tongliao project. It is initially expected to complete 20 MW grid-connected power generation by the end of January and a total of 40 MW grid-connected power generation by the end of February. Power generation, all 60 MW grid-connected power generation will be completed at the end of March.

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