
Russia pays interest on 7 government bonds 50.2 billion rubles | Reuters

The Russian Ministry of Finance paid a total of 50.2 billion rubles ($ 616 million) as interest on seven government bonds. Taken in March last year at the Ministry of Finance building. (2022 Reuters / Maxim Shemetov)

[Reuters]–The Russian Ministry of Finance paid a total of 50.2 billion rubles ($ 616 million) as interest on seven government bonds. I found out from the data on the Ministry of Finance website.

The 31st is the interest payment date of $ 447 million for dollar-denominated bonds (redeemed in 2030).

The Japan Securities Depository Center, Russia (NSD) announced on the 3rd of this month that non-resident government bond holders will be prohibited from receiving interest for the time being, as ordered by the central bank.