
Russian rejects demand; Russia’s move against Ukraine in strong language: US | World | Deshabhimani

The United States has rejected a Russian request to ban Ukraine from the NATO alliance. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has rejected a proposal by Russia to end the crisis in Ukraine. A Russian spokesman said the US rejection of the proposal did not bode well for optimism. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the president would respond officially to the issue. Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the president, said in a statement that the move was not a signal of a formal antitrust inquiry into Russia.

The U.S. says there will be an attack next month

US says Russia will invade Ukraine by mid-February It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Sherman claimed that Putin’s decision would affect many things, including the Winter Olympics in Beijing, and that Russia’s moves were being monitored.

Russia and Ukraine sign a ceasefire agreement

The two countries have been engaged in diplomatic talks amid repeated campaigns by NATO allies that Russia could invade Ukraine at any moment. Russia, Ukraine reach agreement on ceasefire talks in eastern Ukraine The two countries have signed an unconditional ceasefire agreement. This is the first time since 2019 that Russia and Ukraine have signed a joint statement. The French diplomat responded that the talks, led by French diplomats, were aimed at resolving the separatist struggle in eastern Ukraine since 2014.

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