
Russian soldier rapes Ukrainian 1-year-old baby

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A video of a Russian soldier sexually assaulting a Ukrainian 1-year-old baby is circulating online.

According to British The Mirror on the 10th, a Russian soldier was arrested for uploading a video of sexual assault on a Ukrainian baby on his social media account.

The soldier was born in 1997 and is said to be from Krasnodar, southern Russia. According to the report, various videos showing distorted coming-of-age ceremony were posted on the soldier’s SNS account in addition to videos of sexual assault on a baby.

Videos of this soldier’s sexual assault are rapidly spreading by angry users.

In addition to the case of this soldier, there are continuing testimonies that Russian soldiers committed sexual crimes in Ukraine. According to The Mirror, Deputy Mayor Marina Beshastna of Ivankiu, northern Ukraine, testified on iTV on the 6th that “Russian soldiers grabbed girls by their hair in the basement and pulled them out.” “Sisters aged 15 and 16 were raped.” did.

“The genitals and anus of a 10-year-old girl were torn, and Nazi-shaped burn marks were clearly visible on the woman’s body,” said Resia Vasilenko, a female MP from the Ukrainian Holos Party. claimed that

Britain’s ambassador to Ukraine, Melinda Simmons, said: “Women were raped in front of their children and girls were raped in front of their families.”

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