
‘Seol Ganghwa’, the controversy over distortion of the democratic struggle, will eventually shake JTBC… “Destroy the country” 靑 petition map

Captured from the bulletin board of the Blue House National Petition

While the JTBC drama ‘Seolganghwa’, which is suffering from historical distortion controversy, is continuing to air despite criticism from viewers, even claims that JTBC should be abolished are adding to the controversy.

On the 24th, a petition titled ‘I am petitioning for the abolition of JTBC, which airs anti-constitutional dramas,’ was posted on the Blue House’s public petition bulletin board on the 24th.

The petitioner said, “From the planning stage, it was controversial because of distortion of history and disparagement of the movement, and it has already achieved 200,000 signatures on two public petitions to stop airing. They are showing a positive attitude, such as pushing for continuous disclosure until Tuesday.”

He continued, “To glorify the institutions created by the government that came to power through civil rebellion and military rebellion is also to deny the 1987 constitutional system and defend the forces that came to power illegally,” he said. must not conduct a broadcasting business in Korea. Broadcasters like this do not have the qualifications to operate in Korea as a broadcaster, and should be shut down.”

JTBC drama ‘Seolganghwa’

Previously, ‘Seol Ganghwa’ is set in Seoul in 1987 and tells the love story of ‘Suho’, a prestigious college student who suddenly jumped into a dormitory at a women’s university one day, and ‘Youngro’, a female college student who hid and healed him despite the harsh surveillance and crisis.

Since a part of the synopsis was leaked in March, it has been constantly criticized as “content that denigrates the democratization movement and glorifies the Ministry of Security and Security and spies”. More than 300,000 people agreed to the Cheong Wa Dae national petition to stop airing immediately after the first broadcast, and some netizens even moved to “boycott” companies that participated in support for the production of ‘Solganghwa’ due to the growing controversy.

However, the JTBC side chose to break through the front. From the 24th to the 26th, episodes 3, 4, and 5 were aired one after the other, aiming for a rebound, but the ratings were only in the 1-2% range, recording poor results.

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
