
She is depressed, but it is OCD EP.4: “New Pui Mek” find proof of relationship.

You’re my missing piece You’re depressed but it’s OCD” EP.4 after Ang (Puimek Naphasorn Werayutwilai) under pressure from the school and the family forcing her to take the scholarship exam she is octahedral while wanting someone but extend (New Techaapaikhun Thitipoom) and gradually backed away from her. What will their story be? Follow to watch You are My Missing Piece She’s depressed, but she’s OCD every Friday – Saturday at 18:00 pm Watch in one place at True ID.

You are my missing piece EP.4

She’s depressed, but it’s OCD EP.4 : Ang (Puimek Naphasorn Werayutwilai)hitting the teacher at school forcing her to take the scholarship exam This pressure made her worse. Unfortunately, he went to consult the doctor. in the meantime Yeat (New Techapaikhun Thitipoom)who used to be by her side I consider myself a problem. Makes her mentally vulnerable Ang’s mother is warned by her personal doctor. that Ang’s symptoms have worsened, whichThat might lead her to make the wrong decision again What will their story be? Follow to watch the series ” She’s depressed, but she’s OCD. (You’re my missing piece) ” Every Friday – Saturday at 18.00 See before anyone else through TrueID

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