
Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a letter of inquiry to Jebsen | Daily Economic News

Every time we receive an AI alert,On May 18, 2022, Shenzhen Stock Exchange sent an inquiry letter to Jebsen (SZ 300182, latest price: 5.17 yuan): About September 17, 17.20, your company disclosed the “About Reply to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s Concern Letter”. Announcement”, stating that in view of the fact that the voting rights entrusting parties have not clearly agreed on the relevant period of voting rights entrustment, the company will urge Xu Ziquan and Corning and Fuxiang Digital Technology to sign a supplementary agreement as soon as possible to clarify the concerted action relationship and the relevant period. In response to “in the reporting period, your company’s operating income was about 3.727 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.07%, of which the main operating income was about 3.717 billion yuan, and the gross profit margin was 22.83%, an increase of 0.15 percentage points compared with last year; attributable to shareholders of listed companies. The net profit is about 431 million yuan.” and other situations, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange proposed including “the annual report shows that, according to the industry classification, the radio and television industry customers and enterprises outside the radio and television industry achieved operating income of about 868 million yuan, about 2.779 billion yuan, and 79.9519 million yuan, respectively. The year-on-year increases were 42.9%, 9.81%, and 130.96%, respectively. The gross profit margins were 17.25%, 24.01%, and 48.75%, respectively. The overall solution, film and television content production, film and television copyright operation and services achieved operating income of about 188 million yuan, about 451 million yuan, and about 3.088 billion yuan, respectively, with year-on-year changes of -63.41%, 78.08%, and 28.45%, and gross profit margins were 36.91 %, 9.06%, 24.14%, and the gross profit margin changed by 188.58%, -187.28%, -14.73% over the same period of the previous year respectively. Please consider the changes in the company’s business model, sales price, cost, major customers and suppliers, and the changes in the same industry. For comparable companies, explain the reasons and rationality for the substantial changes in operating income by industry and product category, as well as the reasons and rationality for the substantial changes in the gross profit margins of various industries and products when the comprehensive gross profit margin is basically the same as last year. Whether the income and cost accounting are true and accurate, and whether they meet the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.” and other requirements.

The chairman of Jebsen is Xu Ziquan, male, 64 years old, with a bachelor’s degree; the general manager is Zhang Ming, male, 41 years old, with a master’s degree.

1. In the past 30 days, Jebsen’s northbound capital holdings increased by 11.1084 million shares, accounting for an increase of 0.55% in the proportion of tradable shares;
2. In the past 30 days, no institution has conducted research on Jebsen.

(Reporter Cai Ding)

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