
‘Sim Jin-hwa ♥’ Kim Won-hyo “45 kimbap restaurants… I’m afraid of parting, put down my child’s greed” (‘Late Night Shindang’)

Comedian Kim Won-hyo revealed that he had put down his greed for children because he was afraid of parting.

On the YouTube channel ‘Fuhaha TV”s ‘Midnight Shindang’, a video titled ‘Kim Won-hyo, who has a good fortune this year’ was released on the 20th. As consultants, comedians (comedian + singer) Kim Won-hyo and Lee Sang-hoon, who are active in the group Davicher, appeared.

On this day, Jeong Ho-geun told Kim Won-hyo, “You have to shine first and the rest.

If I run blindly with greed, I will fall.”

Kim Won-hyo is currently active not only as a comedian, but also as a singer and business. “There are 45 kimbap restaurants in total, of which I am involved in 18,” he said.

He said, “The clean air of Mt. Jiris is compressed into cans and sold in cans. We are also developing the rest of the machines,” he added.

Jeong Ho-geun said, “I see people working together. However, among those who plan to work, I can see some people who, like me, lack this pure and clear mind, ‘Let’s rise in the same way’. You shouldn’t be heartbroken. Next year, it will be farewell next year.”

Then he said, “And listen to my story.” “Kim Won-hyo has a little bit of a child’s luck. So we have to wait a little bit.” Jeong Ho-geun said, “After the next year, I will have a son. The hostess may feel a sense of pressure or look at her husband, so she has to be kind to her as well. no rush Kim Won-hyo certainly has a son.”

Kim Won-hyo said, “Until last year, my passion for children was on fire. But my father died too sooner than I thought, and then I completely lost my thoughts about the child.”

He said, “Apart from the exhaustion of our efforts, for the first time, I tried to say goodbye to the person closest to me. After feeling it once, I hated parting. I hated parting for decades, so I seriously thought about it again.”

He continued, “I can’t have children, but I don’t have them, so I worked hard and had such a hard time. There is joy in being born, but I can’t help but think about the joy and separation at the same time. I put my mind down a little. My wife was thinking the same thing as me,” he added.

Kim Won-hyo married comedian Shim Jin-hwa in 2011. They are known as the representative parakeet couple in the gag world.

[이지영 스타투데이 인턴기자]

Photo ㅣ Captured from YouTube ‘Fuhaha TV

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