
Skateboarding is not only for people to show, but also for birds! | XFastest News

It’s finally sliding! This cute skateboarding game has been introduced before, and finally it has been officially launched after going through many difficulties.

Remember the skate park that was damaged before? Now this “SkateBIRD” (SkateBIRD) is for players to use these cute birds to perform exciting skateboarding stunts on various venues. These scenes are not just common places like skate parks, but at home. Washing stations or places built with pencil erasers, etc… There are many other places that are different from ordinary places.

Of course, in addition to the fancy show skateboarding skills, players can also customize the appearance of these birds, whether they want to be cute and sweet or handsome. At present, this “SkateBIRD” (SkateBIRD) has been put on the Switch, Xbox, PC platforms as Steam,, and Amazon’s cloud gaming platform Luna. However, some players have responded to the operation and mirror position conversion issues, but this It’s not too big a problem if you wait for the official response and fix it.

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