
Solinftec, a high-tech agricultural robot Make 35,000 decisions a day!

The future of agriculture and the growth of Solinftec

Solinftec, a startup founded in 2007, has consistently raised its latest round of funding this year in a Series E of $400 million. 7 billion dollars!

If you include areas in Brazil, the United States, and Latin America It uses Solinftec’s sensor and AI digital farm operating system to obtain information about the crop. Real-time weather conditions, etc., were found to cover an area of ​​more than 27 million acres.

However, the new robot Solinftec Still in field testing It is expected to be commercially available in Canada and the United States during the next year’s wheat planting.

It can be seen that the advanced agricultural technology that significantly increases “greenness” and is a significant source of “food” for the world has received high interest from investors. and the more global warming The development of innovation and technology in the agricultural sector will be one of the issues that the world needs to pay attention to and indispensable.

