
SpaceX rocket parts crash into the moon in March.

“Astronomers” warn that space X rocket parts That was launched 7 years ago and was dropped into space after completing the mission. It’s about to hit the moon in March.

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket of billionaire Elon Musk was launched to send NASA satellites of the United States. It went into orbit in 2015, but the second rocket, or booster, didn’t have enough fuel to return to Earth. floating in space

Bill Gray, astronomer The rocket, which tracks space debris that will crash into the moon, said the booster rocket previously flew past the moon this month. And a week later he noticed the direction of its movement. and concluded that This rocket will hit the dark side of the moon on March 4 at a speed of over 9,000 km/h.

Gray also urged amateur astronomers to observe the booster rocket. and confirmed his conclusions

As astronomer Jonathan McDowell said it would be the first time an uncontrollable rocket part had hit the moon. but will have little impact.

McDowell said the rocket’s parts had been thrown back and forth by the gravity of the Earth, Moon and Sun. to float aimlessly And we won’t be able to see the impact as a four-ton rocket smash into the moon from Earth in real time, but the force will create a hole that scientists will be able to observe from spacecraft and satellites. and from surveying the geological conditions of the moon

In the past, a spacecraft has been sent into the moon for scientific study.

Additionally, Gray warned that another object could hit the moon uncontrollably in the future. As both the US and China space programs will allow more junk to orbit in space. And McDowell said it was time to start defining regulations to track space junk dumped in Earth’s orbit.