
stairway to heaven (an introduction to stairway to heaven)_Educational News

2022-06-19 19:26:06source:

Hello everyone, Xiaoxin is here to answer the above questions for you. Stairway to heaven, many people don’t know about the introduction of stairway to heaven, let’s take a look now!

1. This song is included in Led Zeppelin’s fourth album “Led Zeppelin IV” (1971), composed by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant.

2. Ranked No. 1 in the 100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos selected by Guitar World magazine in 2004.

3. There are at least three fairly good reasons for this album to be a timeless work, but we only need one, and that is Stairway To Heaven.

4. In 1971, the album “LED ZEPPELIN IV” was released, and one of them, “Stairway to Heaven”, was very popular.

5. The quiet and clear folk box piano gradually entered the melancholy voice of the lead singer, that is, in the rapid catharsis of the guitar solo, the bursting metal music drowned the whole music, making people’s hearing and feeling in just a few minutes. There is a great contrast.

6. This masterpiece of heavy metal has been regarded as the favorite of metal fans for many years since.

7. The album was ranked No. 66 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Best Albums of All Time.

This is the end of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.