
[Syfrdanol]Roommates Ban Smoking Man Searches House for Cigarettes “Surprised to See Bodies Hidden Under Bed” – Hong Kong Economic Times – TOPick – Health – Health Information

A scary case happened on the mainland, a man in Shanghai searched every corner of the house for cigarettes because his roommate didn’t allow him to smoke He found a dead body under the bed After a police investigation, the body was hidden for a month, later the murderer was arrested.

According to comprehensive internal media reports, the incident happened in May of the previous year. The Shanghai police received a report from Pan Nan and Zhu Nan, saying that Zhu Nan was smoking in the room that day. The man’s heart immediately hurt. , and even though Zhu Nan was going to the bathroom, she hid the cigarettes, and said that you should find him yourself if you can, and if you find him, it will be you. Pan Nan searched the house and opened the north room, which he had never been in before, and he suddenly found a hand under the bed, and he was so scared that he ran away and called the police .

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The police arrived at the scene after receiving the report. The bed table was raised, and a body was hidden under it. A forensic examination revealed that the deceased was a man, around 50 years old. it is assumed that it was a homicide, The time of death was about a month. From the position of the body, it is speculated that the body was hidden by murder, and it was confirmed that the deceased was not a foreigner, but a person who often visited this room.

Zhu Nan and Pan Nan are good friends. They have been renting together since coming to Shanghai. They met many fellow tenants. One of them was Tang Yaode, who was an ordinary tenant at first. There suite, and they are often invited to play. Once Tang Yaode wanted to take his daughter to his hometown and was worried that the dogs at home would not be taken care of, so he asked them if they could live in his house temporarily and help take care of them by the way.

The two immediately agreed that Zhu Nan would live in the south bedroom, and Pan Nan chose to sleep on the sofa in the living room. Strangely, after living for a period of time, they both found that the smell in the house got stronger and stronger. At first they thought it was the smell of dogs, so they didn’t think too much of it. . it was the smell of corpses. And Tang Yaode borrowed money from them once, and borrowed more than 60,000 yuan, which has not been repaid.

The key to solving the case is Xu Nan, a debt collector. He urged Tang Yaode to pay back the money earlier. The other party has not only failed to pay back the money, but also gave his card identification and bank card for him. He found that the ID card was actually the deceased Technical comparison After confirming his identity and investigating his whereabouts during his lifetime, he learned that the deceased had lived in a hotel near Tang Yaode’s house, and that Tang Yaode had left the room in the end.

After Tang Yaode was arrested, he confessed to the crime. It turned out that the deceased was his daughter’s godfather and son-in-law. The godfather’s wife and daughter died one after the other. Due to fate, he accepted his daughter as The daughter’s name was listed, but the deceased had lived in the house before, and discussed with Tang Yaode that she could move out, but Tang Yaode had to pay 500,000 RMB.

Tang Yaode agreed without saying a word, but the deceased did not get the money for a long time, and the two often quarreled over this. The deceased decided to move back because Tang Yaode did not fulfill his promise, but in fact Tang Yaode had the idea of ​​killing people After the man tricked him into his home, he used a clothesline to commit murder, and in desperation hid the body under the bed.

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin